Wednesday, April 30, 2008
What would you do with 100M gil?
SE dropped a big one on us today! The Mog Bonanza! A lottery! Just like all lotteries, it's a tax on the maths impaired, but then again, it's all silly money anyway, right? :) (More info at
The top prize for this lottery is... 100 Million Gil! Well, yeah, there's other funny stuff that you could get instead like a K-club or a Ridill, but... 100M! So, here's my question... what would you do with 100M gil?
Personally, I'm not too sure myself... the most I'd do is maybe upgrade my gear to +1 stuff, pick up a Vermy, Dusk Gear... but I'm working my way towards those goals anyway, and they're not completely out of reach... Other than that, I can't think of much that a Blue Mage or Dancer needs that can be bought with gear.
How about you? How would you spend 100M? Craft? Work on a relic?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Macross Frontier
- The old "story rehash" technique... Previously used by Gundam Seed, Macross Frontier so far, is basically a retelling of the original Macross story with very similar characters. We have...
- Alto, the young civilian pilot who is recruited into the military being the updated version of Hikaru.
- Ranka Lee, the young aspiring singer who participates in the Miss Macross Frontier contest... newer version of Lynn Minmei
- The old scarred war veteran... Roy Fokker?
- Even the captain looks the same with the bearded look, with an all-female bridge crew!
- Macross 7... the Fire Bomber band music was used in the series xD
- Classic lover triangle... though a little weak at the moment... Ranka-Alto-Sheryl
- And of course, good music (Yay Mayaa Sakamoto) and transforming planes xD
So... seeing elements of the original Macross and Macross 7 in this series, I'm guessing the following will happen in upcoming episodes
- The winner of Miss Macross Frontier dies or is incapicated for some reason, then Ranka has to take over... just like the original Macross plot!
- The "aliens" that they are currently fighting will turn out to have a human-like form... one of the side character pilots will fall in love... (I'm guessing Mikhael right now)
Anyone else watching this?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Explaination of car poll
Well, 3 years are up, and since this week is my birthday, I decided that it's time to start shopping for a new toy! Basically, my criteria was to be a luxury sports coupe... I like my heated leather seats, GPS, nice sound system, but I also want good performance, a car I can take to the track and have some fun. Coupe, because I really don't want to be driving around in a family sedan, and since I wear contacts, convertibles are not an option! (plus they don't let convertibles on the track)
Luxury pretty much rules out some of the lower-end, high performance vehicles like the Nissan 350Z, or Honda S2000, though I guess the Mazda RX-8 is still a consideration since it actually is fairly decent on the inside. I'm aiming for a budget of between $35-$45,000, and would consider used cars that are 1-2 years old, so no Porsche 911s xD
So... I'm currently considering...
- Infinity G37 - I like the styling, and the interior looks decent... I haven't test driven this car yet, but I did try the G35 before and liked it. I'm concerned about reliability though... any experience with Infiniti vehicles? I'm under the impression that they had some rough spots in the past. Cheapest among the luxury brands.
- BMW 335i - Very common vehicle in Northern California... good performance, but expensive >.<>
- BMW 135i - Smaller version of the 3-series, but with the same engine, supposedly an insanely fun car... but since this is the first year after the introduction, I'm pretty sure dealers will be overcharging as much as they can!
- Porsche Cayman - The runt of the litter! The Cayman is actually surprisingly rare... I've only see a half dozen or so... cheapest of the Porsche family, it has been around for 2+ years. This would likely be a used vehicle purchase since new, these cars still run over $50k.
- Mazda RX-8 - Only in consideration cos... well, I kinda like the styling, and there's something fun about pushing an engine close to 8000rpm when it's designed to do that xD Main concerns are the fact that the rotary engine basically burns oil, and it has not only horrible gas mileage, but also a tiny gas tank >.<>
- (New) Audi A5 - I'd forgotten about this vehicle... The only all-wheel drive on the lineup, another German vehicle. Styling isn't as flashy as other vehicles, but last fall, I had a chance to drive an Audi S5 on the Infineon Raceway just north of San Francisco. It hugged the track very nicely, and I could feel the advantages of the all wheel drive compared to the rear-wheelers I'm used to. However, I don't have any experience with Audis, nor do I know anyone who actually owns one, so I have no frame of reference for quality or service...
Any other suggestions for vehicles to look into? What do you think?
(P.S.: I put the poll up prematurely and did not include the A5 before someone voted for the BMW 3-series... If you want to change your vote, let me know xD)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Busy schedule >.<
Wow... my schedule has become even more packed than normal! Let's see... what do we have:
- Monday: BCNM40 - Under Observation for Peacock Charm
- Tues & Thurs: Assault - Sergeant now! Working our way up... 5 more ranks to go
- Wed & Sat: Limbus - A little too routine... I need something to shake this up a little before I get bored with it. Taking Dancer to Limbus would be an interesting change of pace
- Fri: Going to start up ToAU missions. Utaru & I are on ToAU 22 right now, but we're going to go back to the Black Coffin and grab a few other people. The goal would be to do one fight a wee until we finish this storyline.
- Sat/Sun: AP events. We're still on Soboro runs right now... Fuuji is the last one who actually needs one, but I think we have enough pop items such that I can hopefully pick up an extra! Who knows... Maybe I'll level SAM in the future!
- Sun: Ashu Talif Assault-type Battle - At least... I think we're supposed to do this on Sundays? We've tried it once, and now that I have a better idea what to expect, I'll know how to handle it >.<
So, as far as I can tell, this is my weekly schedule for at least the next month or two... Once I get Dancer to 75, it'll be time to think of other jobs & subs... I'll probably level SAM to at least sub level, and try out SCH as a potential subjob for BLU (submilation, plus Light Arts for healing, Dark Arts for Aspir) I still have the most fun as BLU/WHM compared to other subs. Maybe /SCH would be different. Utaru wants to set up a static with me leveling Bard... might be an option. My Bard is level 16, and I haven't really played with a pure support job like this seriously before. I think the general idea is to static on Saturday >.<
Coming up... sometime in the far, far, far future... once I'm done with Assault, ToAU missions, I'm going to have to schedule, probably sometime in the summer:
- Rank missions! I'm Rank 6 Bastok right now, and I want to see the rest of the Bastok storyline! Maybe once I finish Bastok I can try out Sandy!
- Finish Zilart -.-;;; I haven't touched this content since Divine Might... I should go do the Norg cutscenes and do that last fight
- Avatar fights - Actually, I might try this solo as DNC/NIN... there's a blog out there about a DNC/NIN who successfully soloed every basic avatar and I think even Fenrir... her equipment is similar to mine, so I might have a chance ^^;
- Nyzul Isle - Out of all the possible endgame time-suck activities there currently are out there, this one interested me the most. Partially because the rewards look interesting, partially due to the challenge of doing it, and more importantly, because it's small >.<>
Sooo... what are you up to? Anything interesting? :) Scheduling any missions? (Zuuuuzuuuuu!)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Weekend & Off-topic
Meanwhile, actually got an exp invite this evening... wasn't really expecting it... 2x DNC, RDM, SAM, THF, NIN going to fight birds in Sky... half JP party.. don't really care if the exp will be ogod or not, just want some dagger skillups!
Meanwhile, on the off-topic side of things, I'm really... really really really getting sick of my job. Don't get me wrong, the pay is ok, but it's hella boring, and the people are... aren't the sharpest anymore -.- still, it's in an industry that I'm not interested in and have no passion for... so I'm really, actively searching for a new job now, hoping to get a new job in a more fun industry which will make use of my grad school education!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Anime - Spring 2008
Thanks to campaign, I can actually WATCH some of this stuff instead of accumulating it in my hard disks... Well, watching anime during the season is a lot easier than watching it afterwards... just a couple of hours every week instead of a whole season worth to watch!
So, this season, so far I'm watching:
- Macross Frontier - Old school made new again! Talk about tons of in-jokes & references
- Code Geass R2 - Lelouch-sama *_* he's sooooo cool! CLAMP character designs wil again xD
- Battlestar Galactica (ok, not really anime, but it's cool! Go watch it :P)
- ToLoveRu - At least... I've heard this is really silly fanservice xD Have to investigate
Also on the "prior seasons that I really wanted to watch"
- Sola
- Clannad
- They Are my Noble Masters (Yes, 2nd h-game anime)
- Shakugan no Shana II
Monday, April 14, 2008
Solo Exping
I usually like to keep a 10k exp buffer on BLU in case of deaths... Dying seems to be a pretty frequent occurance with Limbus and Assault, and with this weekend's activities, I was down to 2k! Enough to delevel with another death! Normally I'd go campaign to get this back, but I've been campaigning on DNC lately (100exp to level 63!) so instead, I decided to go solo for a bit! Caedarva Mire was surprisingly empty when we ran through it earlier in the afternoon, so I went there to solo some imps. I'd gone before with Zuzu and Dexie the week before and got some pretty good results.
Still, I wasn't quite ready for these results...

Friday, April 11, 2008
Life at 75
Then I remembered why I had quit FFXI the first time around in the first place. There was a time when I too, was doing all of these activities, running around, camping NMs, monitoring pop windows. This rapidly became... boring... routine... people would barely talk when doing these activities because either 1. you didn't know the other people doing things that well, or 2. they were off playing with another game while waiting for things to happen. Many of these activities involve many people (64 for dynamis, usually at least 20+ for any decent HNM or endgame shell), so people would not know others that well and would be generally... quiet. You end up showing up for the same routine day-in-day-out, killing the same mobs, same strategies with minimal risk, and worst of all, you're not even chatting, joking or having much fun. The reason you're doing all of that is to get the shiny gear that these activities promise... the shiny gear that will take weeks, months, years of grinding through boring, repetitive activity...
... to the point where all you do are these activities. Every time you login, you have obligations to go to, people expecting you to show up somewhere and bugging you if you don't go... you feel the pressure to keep showing up in order to get "points" or to show your support... instead of having fun, you get bored and feel that FFXI is no longer a game, but is a chore...
Instead of focusing on the shiny gear, think about why you started playing FFXI in the first place... think about the fun that you've had doing your first mission, exploring new places, running through dangerous areas, and doing stupid things and wiping your entire alliance. Think about when you saw Lufise Meadows for the first time, or the Hall of the Gods with your friends. Think about the thrill of winning your first BCNM, or winning a hard battle for the first time. FFXI isn't about the shiny gear, it's about the experiences with your friends. It's about going out there and poking a mob you really shouldn't be poking, then seeing if you can survive. It's about getting into impossible situations, then either pulling a victory out through your skills and luck, or wiping and getting up and trying again. It's about being there for your friends when they want to do something, and them being there for you. It's about having fun and challenged!
Which is why I love AP and the little things we do together. I like it that when WoG came out, we were out there exploring, trying out the new options, campaign, experimenting with the maws, ops, getting new jobs, and as other people got the expansion, we went back and helped them through the scary zones we'd already been through. I like our weekend events when we go out and poke funny NMs, getting aggro and doing silly things on the way, joking with each other and even wiping. I like it that when we see each other campaigning, we'll go to the same zones, form a party and just hang out. I like that AP is small, and everyone is friends and we talk/joke with each other (even though some are quieter than others)
It's also why I like Assault, each a unique, challenging activity that is unlike anything else in the game. I like doing missions for their challenges, and for the storyline, and most importantly, both Assault and missions have a tangible endpoint and is not something that you'd end up doing for years on end. I know I don't have the patience to do Dynamis, and now that I know more about it, Limbus and probably Salvage, though I'd love to at least try Salvage to find out more about the challenge and defeat it.
So, at the end of the day... if you find yourself bored of FFXI, think about your experiences... figure out what you find to be fun and do that! Don't get caught doing things you'd rather not do, just for the sake of getting shiny things. There are lots of things to do in Vana'diel, and not all of it is "endgame".
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
BCNM40 - Under Observation
Only issue with Blue Mage is... of course, MP. No problem though, one pie lasts through two fights, and I need just one bottle of Yagudo juice to keep MP up. Reserving just enough MP to Head Butt Firaga is all it takes to keep the big eye from doing any damage. The last battle, we didn't even take any damage at all!
So, of all the fights... for three fights, the big eye tried to spam Firaga, and one fight it did spam Breakga (that was a close one!) The fight it spammed Breakga was the one which a Peacock Charm dropped... wonder if there is any correlation?
Ashle won the lot on this PCC, but he's lending it to me since I'm going to be using it full time on my Dancer. Accuracy > all for Dancers xD Just 3 more charms to go. I've got just over 2 stacks of Beastmen Seals left, so that's a total of 5 runs. Deciding not to party again has been quite relaxing as it now frees up my time to do fun things like this instead of seeking party, or worse, wasting time in a party that goes nowhere!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Campaigning to 75
Since Saturday, I've managed to get Dancer from level 58 to 60 purely through campaign. Exp is starting to come a little easier now since there is no longer an exp penalty for being a "low level" for campaign. Sadly, this is significantly faster than the LFP -> Invite -> Move to camp -> Die due to bad players -> Get exp for 15 minutes -> Disband routine that most parties seem to have. Seems like the "newbie" levels are from 10-73 these days, not just through the Dunes.
However, exp through campaign has a few problems...
Dancer isn't Blue Mage
According to what people have figured out on campaign exp, the best way to get exp in campaign is to do damage and to take damage. Both of these do not have caps in the amount of exp you can get, only limited by how long the campaign lasts. This is in keeping with my experiences with Blue Mage.
Problem with Dancer is... 1. Daggers aren't much for damage... 2. Dancers can't take much damage (not having Cocoon, and having crappy armor doesn't help), so as soon as my shadows go down, I'm pretty much spamming Healing Waltz until I run out of TP and die. Unlike BLU, I don't have access to /WHM Reraise yet, so dying is an annoyance.
From experience with Dancer campaigns, seems like the best I can do is to either hit on fortifications and tag out once I hit the exp cap, get a new tag and repeat... or go with a group of people to one of the major battlegrounds (Meriph or Pashhow) and support them. Problem with the major battlegrounds is... more idiots who get aggro from the NMs or mobs without letting them get to the fortifications, pulling them all over the map and of course, dying RIGHT where you're fighting so that the mobs go after you next... massive, unnecessary wipes. More proof that the average FFXI player intelligence has gone down the drain.
Skill up
My dagger skill was capped at level 58... Now I'm level 60 and I haven't gained a single skill level yet xD I really do need to get some skill on Dagger, especially since Dancing Edge is coming up soon at level 62.
My throwing skill is quite underleveled too, with a skill of 144. I can just *barely* hit exp mobs at this point... Unfortunately, the skill level is still too high to get skillups off of Easy Prey mobs... Need to find some DC or EM so skill up on.
For Blue Mage, I seem to remember doing at least one party in the mid 60s, lots of skillups while farming my Blue Mage testimony, then one party just after 70, and skilling up the rest in Limbus. Not sure what the opportunities for Dancer skillups are...
So... at this point, besides the regular campaigning I'm now doing, I need some help skilling up! Anyone up for helping me? ^^;;
Saturday, April 5, 2008
(Party) (No thanks)
So, no more parties for me. DNC is high enough to campaign to 75, and that's what I'll do, just like BLU. No more low level parties with random idiots, no more seeking, no more wasting food or popping an exp band to have the party disband 5 minutes later. I can merit 10k/hr soloing imps if I really want to merit, and campaign is a hell lot more fun than working with other people who go afk, don't do their jobs, or show up in a party dressed in level 1 gear.
Besides, I've got lots of other projects I want to do... Missions, quests, helping others finish their missions (Looking at you Zuzu with CoP!), Limbus and others
Friday, April 4, 2008
Job roles & flexibility
Things like Silence, Paralyze, Slow, etc. We typically think of these are the duty of the White Mage, Red Mage, Black Mage, or more recently Scholar... but other jobs can do it as well
Blue Mage - Silence, Slow, Gravity, Blind (Flash), Defense/Accuracy Down... Terror count?
Ninja - Blind, Slow, Paralyze by WS... any more?
Samurai - Silence by WS, + more?
Puppetmaster - Blind (Flash... I think Flashbulb?), + more? Para, Silence, Slow?
Thief - Defense down (or any job with bolts)
Dancer - Defense, Evasion down
Dark Knight - Various Absorb spells
Paladin - Blind (Flash)
A Red Mage's staple, many other jobs can also fulfill this role
Bard - Magic Finale
Blue Mage - Blank Gaze, Geist Wall
Corsair - Dark Shot
Scholar - Dispel with Dark Arts
Summoner - I think Fenrir have a dispel move?
Besides Dark Knights and Black Mages, most jobs have this capability... Blue Mages made Head Butt spam famous and have a crazy amount of stunning capability...
Any club-wielding job (White Mage, Paladin, others) - Brainshaker
Any sword-wielding job (Red Mage, Paladin, Warrior, etc) - Flat Blade
Any axe-wielding job (Beastmaster, Warrior, etc.) - Smash Axe
Dark Knights - Weapon Bash
Paladins - Shield Bash
Dancer - Violent Flourish
A Black & Red Mage spell, Bards are also famous for this for lullaby... Blue Mages have 4 sleep spells at their disposal
Corsair - Dark Shot
Any arrow-users (Warrior, Ranger, Samurai) - There's a sleep arrow?
Think Protect, Shell, and others... Scholar became one of the ultimate enhancers due to their Sublimation spell, and Bards are highly desired for their songs... Red Mages are wanted for Refresh and Haste... who else can do the job?
Blue Mage - Diffusion turns many spells into party spells, plus Diamondhide
Summoner - Everyone knows Aerial Armor and Stoneskinga
I'm pretty sure I didn't cover all possible ways to perform these actions... I'm not familar with all jobs, and I'd love to find out more about other ways to do these things without looking for the typical jobs!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Need help - Dancer equipment
So, I'm looking for suggestions on items to go get! I have a few things that I already have and intend to use, but I need some help figuring out what else to get :) Please leave comments and suggestions on my equipment!
Current: Bone Knife +1 (Level 46, Mainly for the Accuracy +5)
Future: Behemoth Knife (Level 70, nice Attack +8)
Any suggestions between now and 70?
Current: War Hoop (DNC AF1 weapon, Chr +4)
I'll probably keep using the War Hoop since the Chr+ helps in Healing Waltz. I do have a Junior Musketeer's Chakram +1 that I use on BLU, but this +chr seems more useful
Current: Voyager Sallet, Dancer's Tiara macroed in for Sambas & -enmity
Future: O-hat at 70, Walahra Turban at 75
Current: Scorpie, or Rapparee Harness if I can hit consistently
Future: Ermm... well, the Dancer AF body will be macroed in for Waltzes... otherwise, I think these two bodies are pretty good overall! At most I can think of getting the Pahluwan Khazagand... maaaaybe
Current: Battle Gloves, Dancer's Mittens macroed in for Steps
Future: Thinking about getting the Cobra Mittens for the Accuracy +4, Store TP+3, Enmity-3. Wow, an Allied Note item that might actually be useful!
Otherwise, it's Dusk Gloves for the +3% Haste :D
Both of these are level 68 or higher though, so that's still a good 10 levels before I can use them. Any suggestions before these?
Current: Dancer's Tights (Accuracy+3, Chr+3)
Future: Erm... nothing really... I haven't figured out anything that's better except maybe the Pahluwan Seraweels (Accuracy +4, Str+3). Those are level 72... I haven't found anything better than the tights
Current: Leaping Boots, Dancer's Shoes (Attack +5, Evasion+5)
Future: Well, I do already have Marine F Boots, so those *might* be okay for the Dex & Str+3, but I don't like the Chr-3... Pahluwan Crackows for the Acc+3 and Dex+4 might be an option in the far future... Dusk Ledelsens for the +2% Haste... though that's a lot of gil >.< Neck
Current: Spike Necklace
Future: Chivalous Chain (Level 60, StoreTP+1, Accuracy +5, Str+3)
Since I don't have a Peacock Charm, this is a pretty good alternative!
Current: Life Belt, Swift Belt
Absolutely no plans to change in the future... I much prefer using the Swift Belt! In parties when I can use both the Raparnee Harness and Swift Belt, I tend to have a lot more fun and have enough TP to do more
Current: Republic Army Mantle
Future: I already have a Amemet Mantle for level 61... I'm also considering getting the Bushido Cape for the Store TP+1, though I'm not sure if it is really worth it... any other suggestions?
Current: 2x Spike Earrings on loan from Utaru!
Future: I guess Brutal + Suppanomimi... I also have a Minuet Earring for the rare time there's a Bard around...
Current: Rajas, Jaegar, and Sniper on loan from Utaru
I think I'm pretty well set for Rings :)
So, that's basically it... Overall, not too bad... the main two pieces of equipment I'm feeling a little gimp on are my daggers (high accuracy, but low damage level 46 daggers) and my gloves (Wow, level 14 battle gloves!) Both of these I don't have any upgrades in mind until nearly level 70... any suggestions for these?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Dealing with idiots
- Overcamping... as usual... for some reason, we went to Aydeewa Subterrane to fight Defoliators. I've actually only been to this zone twice, once for BLU quest, and once for the COR quest. We're a level 57-58 party, going to fight level 68-71 crawlers. Lack of dispel on Cocoon generally sucks, but at least I can hit easily enough with accuracy gear + food... of course the first mob takes 7 minutes to kill, drains all the MP for all the mages, and the only reason why the party isn't dead is cos of a Dancer's infinite healing potential without the need to rest
- So, since that doesn't work, we try Puktraps. These are level 67-70 fly-type mobs. They don't hit as hard, and are a little squishier, but guess what move they have? Yup, the most powerful Blue Mage sleep spell Soporfic. There's a reason why we set this spell when we want to sleep mobs for long periods of time. It's almost as potent as Sleepga II. So of course everyone gets slept except the PLD... Since I'm sitting on over 100% TP and my heals are instant, I ask to be woken up so I can wake everyone up with a simple Divine Waltz... nope, PLD actually cures himself, then the WHM... then the WHM cures the PLD and the rest of us remain sleeping for a while longer... so down goes the PLD (no Invincible to save his own skin, guess his 2-hr was down), then the fly goes after the DRK. Just like a typical bad player, our DRK uses Blood Weapon about 1 hit before the flytrap kills him, which he does. At this point, the flytrap is going after me... It takes out my shadows and FINALLY wakes me up, and I wake up the mages with Divine Waltz. Despite not being able to get Utsusemi up, a Dancer can last a long time just blood tanking on Waltzes. With a Summoner and White Mage to back me up, well... maybe that last 15% of the Fly can be killed after all... if the BLM wasn't afk -.- Well, he ended up getting to his feet right when I died just in time to do an ES Sleep. The Summoner and Black Mage cast sneak and ran away, while the White Mage... rested... with an IT++ flytrap sitting there... I suggested that he zone, which he got up to cast sneak and promptly got one-shot by the waking flytrap
- So, at my urging, we move outside of the area and start working on Lesser Colibri. I figure that even a gimp 57-58 party should have no problems chaining these... which we don't, except that the PLD can't keep hate against either me, or the DRK. What's worse is that the DRK isn't casting a single spell... nope, zero, not a one, MP was always at full. The PLD barely used his MP at all either, at most for Flash, and was always late on the Provoke. SMN, WHM & BLM all had 75-100% MP at all times since I was handling a good portion of the curing. One of the mages had to be educated that Lesser Colibri don't reflect magic, but hey, exp is exp, right?
- Nope! Barely 15 minutes into actually getting POSITIVE exp for a change, the PLD goes "I have to go in 5 minutes". Now this hits a pet peeve of mine... I don't mind if you show up with gimp equipment, or if you're new to your job and you're trying to learn... I don't mind if you don't use food, or even have a gimp subjob, as long as you're doing your best, and you show consideration for other people! If you have less than an hour to party, TAKE YOUR FRAKKING FLAG down and don't accept party invites! It takes an average party a good 15-20 minutes to gather everyone, get to camp and start to get into a rhythm! Accepting an invite with less than 60 minutes of playtime wastes everyone's time and is criminal!
With that said, the name of this incompetent Galka Paladin is.... ask me personally if you want to know. Chances are he'll be able to gimp it to at least level 65 since there are absolutely NO tanks leveling anymore. My other exp party pet peeve is people not paying attention to what they're doing. This is very obvious in many cases... like people who don't move to keep up the mob and only auto-attack, don't use any abilities or spells.
I deal with enough idiots at work. I don't need to deal with idiots in FFXI. When I leveled BLU, I did a good portion with a trio and only formed a few limited burn-type parties instead of seeking for pickup parties. I also campaigned for most of 65-75 since that was so new and interesting. Leveling Dancer from 37-57 as confirmed one of my favorite sayings yet again... Think about the average person(player) and how intelligent they are... now keep in mind that half the people out there are dumber than the average person. Depressing, isn't it?
As such, Dancer will be the last job I level past subjob level unless it's with a static with people I know and with the necessary jobs (tank, healer, support + DD). Dealing with idiots just isn't worth it. I'd much rather do something else than have to deal with the average FFXI player. -.-