Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
New outfit, need ideas for pants

Whee... another completed AF outfit! Arrr!
COR60 now, though barely... the usual exp group just hasn't been getting together at all recently, making it hard to get any levels. I guess I could go seek again (and have once) and get some skillups, but... well, it's not quite as fun, and pick up parties take too long to get started and disband much too soon :(
Anyway, different topic!
I just remembered that I never picked up my ASA pants after finishing that fight so many weeks ago... and... I still have no idea what to get for them. Any suggestions for any of my jobs? :o
Monday, February 8, 2010
PC gaming - Necessary still?
Mmmm... due to uncontrollable reasons, exp isn't coming this week, so I can't post pics of my latest full outfit because I'm too low to wear it all :P
Instead, here's a completely non-FFXI post!
I've been playing Mass Effect 2 for the last few days, working my way through the game. Previous to this, I was playing Dragon Age. Both of these games are available for the PC, and the Xbox 360, but I picked up the 360 version mainly because I didn't want some crazy installer clogging up my XP partition on my Macbook Pro (since Apple computers are highly unreliable).
I was thinking about putting together a gaming computer this year to get off this annoying Mac, as well as to take advantage of advances in hardware. Ironically, I'm having second thoughts about this right now since I can't really name that many games that are coming out for the PC only that would be that interesting...
Off the top of my head, all I have are:
- Starcraft 2
- Next big MMO - Star Wars: The Old Republic, or... something else.
About the only game I've had a slight inclination to try out on the PC at this time is the new Star Trek MMO. However, I'm not certain that spending $1-2k on a gaming setup is really worth it with most multi-platform games also coming to the PS3 or 360. The added hassle of putting together a computer and debugging it does not really appeal to me anymore, and so far, I haven't found any PC manufacturer who sells a gaming desktop at a reasonable price.
Thoughts? Is PC gaming worth keeping up with?
Monday, February 1, 2010
BLU deflecting!
I'm really starting to enjoy COR past level 40 due to the Quick Draw ability. The ability to quickly shoot off two sleeps instantly, and being able to do it while running is quite cool xD It makes it really easy to sleep a mob back from a pull since I can use it without needing to stand still, and the sleep takes place as soon as I hit my Light Shot macro so I can easily position the mob exactly where I want it.
The big thing I don't like about COR is... actually, the cards necessary for Quick Draw. To use Quick Draw, the elemental cards are necessary. This means that up to 8 different cards are needed to use all the various shots, and up to 16 if I want to carry the card cases as well. Right now, I'm only carrying Light Cards (sleep), Dark Cards (Dispel) and Ice cards for experimenting with. I figured that I'd experiment with Ice shot for damage. I'm still wondering if it's necessary to get all 8 elemental cards, or if I could get away with just carrying one or two damaging ones... any comments on this? Other CORs?
Due to the nature of our PL'ed parties, I haven't had the need to do 4 rolls in a party yet... At this rate, I might end up avoiding it entirely since at 75, I don't think I'll be in many situations on COR that require giving two different sets of rolls. Which is... well, a pity since I'd definitely like to experience that and figure it out. Last night I had quite a bit of fun being the sole puller for a East Ronfare [S] party, pulling down about 14k/hour and staging mobs for the party to go after. I guess that's what a merit party on COR feels like!
Meanwhile... since COR is over 50, I've gone through and completed the AF quests with lots of help from Rooks & Fuuji! Big thanks to Rooks for helping me get through the doors needing the Lamia Fang key... annoying that there are so many "JP midnight" or "once a conquest update" things in the AF quest.
Corsair AF3
The "AF3" or "hat" quest for Cosair is a lot of fun... first off, one of the NPCs is...

... evil BRD Ascy! At least, that's what I hope I would have looked like if I had chosen Bard xD And this is the evil version as she's the villain! See! Good thing I'm a do-good pirate!
The hat fight for the COR AF is a BC fight on the Ashu Talif against a galka BLU, and a hume WAR. Most strategies call for kiting one of the two mobs around while ganging up on the other, but I wanted to have some fun with it and decided to go 1-on-1 with the BLU. Rooks went up against the WAR on PLD/NIN and we had Fuuji backing us up. This went really well, with the galka BLU Gowam and me going against each other, using Azure Lore one after the other (with a crazy high Hysteric Barrage & Frenetic Rip from me) and it looked like an easy win until... well, the traitorous hume WAR ganged up on me ~.~ I guess the empire is full of traitorous dogs!

(see! No fair ganging up on me! We're supposed to do this to you!)
This resulted in a... double KO when me and the other BLU took each other out at the same time xD But unlike them, we had Fuuji around to raise, so nyaa :P

Rooks had no problem teaching the hume WAR a lesson, so it was an easy win! A little risker compared to the "standard" strategy, but I think overall more fun. Aaaaand... after the backstabbing from the empire, this lead to the curious scene of an Immortal swearing her allegiance to the Corsairs!

Which leads to the pretty funny cutscene which has a BLU standing on the sides of the people Immortals are supposed to capture xD

Unfortunately, there wasn't any funny dialog about my BLU job while doing the AF quests. When I first unlocked COR, there was a little humor when they point out that I'm an immortal and shouldn't be trusted because I was on BLU xD
Bright red PLDs
In other news, I've finally got my Ebon Armet crafted, and after slaughtering about a dozen pixies, I got some of their blood to dye it red. End result: Bright red PLDs!

and... hopefully that's the last of the Synergy stuff I'm doing for a while :)
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