Given the limited time we have as a fully group, I believe we should get through things we can complete ASAP so we can spend time practicing to clear later content. This means getting through T6 & T7 ASAP on roles we're familiar with so we can spend time to clear T8, and later Ramuh EX. From what people are telling me, we should have enough DPS to clear T8 now, and the mechanics of T8 are supposedly simpler than T7 so it's just a matter of practice. Once we're clearing T8 comfortably, we can go back and switch roles around if people want to play around with other jobs for the earlier turns.
For loot, the primary/secondary system works for now, but I'm adding a 3rd tier for sending gear to people who we are asking to come on specific jobs that are not their primary or secondary selections. Make the primary/secondary jobs the ones *you* want to get gear on. I'm also going to prioritize if you use your job for coil. I.e.: Multiple people have Caster gear as their primary selection, but DO always comes as SMN so he gets first call on if he wants to lot on something. I will always ask in priority order if you want to lot on something, so it's your choice if you want to get something for BiS, or to pass if you already have other gear that is better than what dropped.
Primary | Secondary | Tertiary(coil) | |
A'sanya | Caster (T6) | Healer (T8/T7) | |
Ascy | Tank (T8/T6) | BRD | DRG (T7) |
Austin | Healer (T7/T6) | DRG (T8) | |
Holt | BRD (T8/T7/T6) | DRG | |
Kurai | Caster | Healer (T8/T6) | Tank (T7) |
Marcux | Tank (T7/T6) | Caster | MNK (T8) |
Rhela'to | Caster (T8/T7/T6) | BRD | |
Rooks | MNK (T8/T7/T6) | Tank |
If job selections need to be changed for newer content (T9, Ramuh EX come to mind), we'll throw that info up here and if necessary, add to the tertiary lotting. If RNG happens to be kind to you and you finish all the gear for a job and want to change your job priority because you're done, talk to other people lotting on those pieces if it's okay. We'll re-evaluate job choices & priorities when 2.4 or when the next tier of equipment is released.
For oils, sands, and tomestones, we'll do a round-robin method where once you get one, you'll be ineligible to lot until everyone else in the static has gotten one from the group. For tomestones, we'll also prioritize people who have the Soldiery saved up to actually use it. No point in lotting something you can't use when we're getting one drop a week. Since we're also at a point where everyone has gotten a tomestone/oil in the past, and Kurai is just joining us, we'll start the oil/tomestone lotting from scratch next week (At least, I think everyone has gotten one of each?)
If we have to replace someone to fill in, we'll also have them give the same priorities of primary/secondary, and allow a tertiary if necessary, stated up front to the group before starting.
Anything need clarifying? Comment below or talk to me on AIM or in-game. I also appreciate thoughts from others not in the active group for a different perspective (ya Vanh, this means you!)