Let's see.... only two deaths so far! That's really good for me! One was me jumping from a high tower thinking I could dive into the water... Weird. I thought that I was safe since I was diving into water, but... maybe the river was too shallow? xD Second was when I tried to help a blood elf hunter that was being ganged up on by a group of skeletons... whoops! I got their attention instead! Killed one of them, but the other 4 beat me up!
Still, that's a much better average than I had before ^^;
Tonight, aiming for level 10 so that I can get my Voidwalker pet. Also, once we get to around 15-20 or so, it'll be time for us to group up. Kurai has a Paladin going, and Zurar might pick up a Priest. Ghiren's power is out right now, but once he gets on his 10-day trial, he'll probably be going for some sort of Warrior.
And... no intro post is complete with some sort of picture!

Let's see... some basic UI enhancements were added:
- Quest Helper
- Titan Panel
- Cartographer
- Diamond Threat
These go a long way in figuring out where to go for quests, and how close I am to pulling aggro from my pet when I'm going all out nuking!
Finally... a note on college courses! If you go to UC Berkeley, you probably wanna register for this: http://kotaku.com/5141355/competitive-starcraft-gets-uc-berkeley-class
College credit for StarCraft! Geez... I wonder if someone could do something similar for MMOs.
PS: For those of you who want to join us, we're currently on Hyjal, but we will be transferring servers to Winterhoof tomorrow night as soon as they start the free transfers! If you have a new character to make, make it over at Winterhoof!
Playing around with more addons: Recommendations from Aqqy:
- Quartz - Cast Bar
- Bartender4 - Skill bar
- Elkanos Buff Bars - for Debuffs
- Grid - alliance HP/MP situation
- Clique - Direct click/cast
- Itemprice & Itemprice Tooltip - Library of vendor prices
From Kurai:
- FuBar or X-Perl
- Auctioneer
- Gatherer - For herb gathering
- Necrosis LdC - For Warlocks
- AlphaMap - For constant on-screen map
And the most popular items from http://wow.curse.com/downloads/Popular.aspx?SectionID=3816
yay for others being dragged into wow XD Now if only I could remember to heal Aque's warrior when needed instead of just whacking things... shaman with dual wield and all the stat buffs = too fun <.< I've let her die a few times and then solo'd the remaining 3 mobs a few times by accident ; ;
That's why I decided to play a Warlock! I can barely keep up with my own health, much less that of party members xD My reflexes are too slow on this confusing keyboard thing... I'm better with a game controller.
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