Rough (and strange) night with Franky/Dolly having power issues, plus my newPLD mistakes during the first couple of fights. The first Tinnin was weird when it went afk in the middle of our fight. That was definitely strange, but he didn't drop anything interesting anyway, soooo... Zurar and I think Wu did a GM call to report the glitch, and they wished us good luck with drops, so it was all fine. Big thanks to Altima, Weaponx and Zurar who zombied the first and last Tinnins while we recovered from two wipes >.<
PLD/NIN tanking
I brought out PLD for this fight where I'd normally go SCH/RDM. Spengler took up the support SCH role nicely with Phalanx-ga & Stoneskin-ga so that I could experience something different.
I'm finding PLD to be very weird for events... so far, I've run circles around a tower, distracted mobs in dynamis to keep them away from sleepers, and now, stood around as bait for a big three-headed hydra while people sneak up behind me and poke him with long katanas.
I guess it's a good way to ease me into PLD/NIN tanking... I mainly had to focus on Utsusemi shadows and recasting them, as well as Flash to get the attention of the mob. Talint also had a good hint on using Reprisal when Utusemi timers were down in order to get a chance of getting Utsu back up. I also now understand why we need two tanks when it comes to PLD/NIN tanking... It's a big bit of trust to know that the other tank, and your support crew will keep you alive when big TP moves occur. Even though I knew I had Fealty that could help me resist one Nerve Gas move, I got into a simple cycle of casting Utsusemi even when cursed & poisoned, then immediately cast Cure IV knowing that my WHM (Rooks) would Cursna me even as I was casting Utsu.
I think the two main mistakes I made were... not focusing on Utsusemi during the first Tinnin, and adjusting too late to the 2nd Tinnin's movements and ending up behind him in time for a Serpentine Tail to kill me in one shot. I actually survived the 3rd Tinnin from start to finish, and the 4th Tinnin got lucky with a double attack with Utsu down and following it up with a strangely high damage Trembling move >.>
Still need to find a place to try out PLD/RDM, and hopefully somewhere where I'm PLD/NIN and also trying to keep hate instead of having SAM/THF TA on me. Hate wasn't an issue with the Tinnin fight... the only thing we had to look out for is keeping shadows up.
PLD/DNC in Campaign
This job combination is too much fun in campaign... tanking 2-3 mobs at the same time, and able to go head to head with NMs with a body boost. Aspir Samba and a Ethereal Earring = constant MP, plus Waltzes to heal when MP is low. I've been using this to regain my lost medals (stupid SE system) and prepare for the next version update where they are supposed to be finally releasing the AN body pieces.
Compared to BLU, PLD keeps hate better and has infinite lasting power. Compared to DNC, well... I get hit more, which is actually good for campaign exp. DNC can last about as long as a PLD, but has more trouble keeping hate when other people are hitting the same mob. DNC can also go up against a NM, but can't survive as long... Still fun for both jobs xD
Ungimping SCH
I haven't really been paying that much attention to SCH equipment... Did a little light shopping once I hit 75, and I've been picking up some pieces here and there, mainly Goliard from Nyzul (since everyone else is focused on Askar) and a few relic pieces. Vanh & Utaru spoilt me by lending me Vanh's HQ elemental staves when he was taking a break from FFXI, and Utaru's Phantom thingie. Both of these items lead to a very nice, consistent 1k+ Blizzard IV against Limbus mobs which I had fun with until I gave the borrowed pieces back.
Well, after about a month, I've gone and picked up an Aquilo's Staff, as well as the Phantom thingie... and, inspired by Wuwu who has been camping a NM in SSG for the past few days, I've gone and picked up a Moldavite Earring on Sunday morning. Lucked out with the drop on my first kill about an hour after arriving in Onzozo. I'm also working on my Ice elemental obi, probably the only one I'll actually get since I do most of my nuking with Bliz IV due to the hailstorm int bonus. I'm one tissue away from finishing my ice obi now, and I'm already nuking for over 1k, so it'll be fun to see how well SCH nuking does in the next few Limbus rounds :D
Just need to get lucky on one more tissue drop :)
Annnnnnnnnnnd... I am fed up with FFXI again -.- You'd figure 1 tissue drop isn't asking for that much... It's not like an Ermine's Tail or an Excalibur... especially since I already had two tissue drops from my previous 3 hours of farming other tissues.
Nope... 4 hours later, 1 1/2 merits and a full buffer for my SCH, still no drop.
I'm thinking I won't do any more asian MMORPGs. They seem to only like to grind pointlessly.
New poll going up about next expansion.
I think you're new poll needs to be a little more specific... how much time for farming what? Gil? Items? Pop items? Points? Exp? Crafting Materials?
There's too many things to farm in any game to just ask it as a general question... and if you really think about it, all you do is farm unless you're sitting there chatting with people.
Turns out I am an RMT Gardener! Who knew! I did have a flowerpot once from that mini-quest, but I sold it as quick as I could and never planted anything in it!
Anyways, I have a perma ban, but it might get reviewed and restored at some point.
Time will tell....
wait... seriously? Wu got banned for gardening?
I have let my sea/limbus ls know already, please let Rooks, Fuuji and Caharin know for me that I will not be attending events in the near future, pending account review.
:o I actually thought you were joking there for a minute Wu... then I saw your post on the ZNM page...
Are you serious? LM-17? >.< SE really is going too far now
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