At this point, I think my Dancer job is reasonably complete. I'll be picking up a Tiphia Sting later tonight to finish off the gear that I can reasonably obtain. I've always figured I'd get one, but I've been forgetting about it xD With the tights, I'm very definitely a happy Dancer and will probably be coming DNC much more to things again ^^;
Next for Dancer:
- Finish HP merits (5/8 now)
- Maybe finish Dex merits (1/8... and these are painful merits)
- Maybe a Soil Gorget (I do WS quite a bit on DNC... Tasya finally convinced me that I should go get one)
- Gilfarm... yes, gilfarm.
So, the really silly bit about Dancer equipment is that two of the best pieces of gear are simply not obtainable on Hades. These are the Roundel Earring, and the Airy Buckler, both of which are campaign ops drops from the beastmen strongholds. Given that Hades generally sucks when it comes to big team efforts like this, I really doubt we'll ever be given a chance to assault the beastmen strongholds, so every single Roundel Earring on the server must have come from a server transfer. We've never actually seen a single Airy Buckler on the AH on Hades.
So... as long as people keep importing the Roundel Earring, I might have a chance of buying one sometime in the future. Of course, this means I'll have to gilfarm... 4-5M gil... so... mmm... that's about 500 Ancient Beastcoins... Hope nobody else in Limbus wants those ^^; Otherwise, I'm going to have to find some other source of gil... like ISNMs, or ENMs... I'm currently basically broke after buying my Adder Jambiya ^^;
Buuuuuuuuut... then again I consider the Roundel Earring as part of the "unreasonable" set of gear, hard to get, or highly expensive, similar to Joytoy, Ermine's Tail or Salvage armor due to the pain involved. Fortunately, gil farming is a lot LESS painful than going to try the stupid MMM maze time after time, and is something that other people generally do, so hopefully I'll be able to get enough gil with time :)
Other news: I'm half considering putting up more pics of various outfits similar to the BLU pics below... anyone interested in seeing a fashion show?
Way to go!! Always nice to finish up that relic.
I hit my 1 month banniversary, Dynamis-Tav sounds like a great way to celebrate. Wish I had been there ; ;
2nd/10 days on my WoW evaulation, then I will evaluate a couple more games before deciding where my next stop will be.
Wuuuuu ; ; still no word on why you were banned or when/if you're getting your character back?
What else are you evaluating Wu? I'm hearing mixed things about Aion... might not try that xD
WoW was fun for a while, but I always get bored around level 40 :(
I am evaluating DDO and Aion after WoW.
SE has not even looked at my ban complaint yet. At least as far as customer service can tell.
Damn... a whole month and no progress? This is stupid... do they still make you pay for the account while you're banned too? >.<
Let me know your impression of Aion when you try it!
I had to pay for July, but not August (unless I somehow get unbanned).
And they refunded me for the latest expansion.
Well... at least they refunded you for the expansion x.x
Did they explain why there was a ban in the first place? I mean... RMT do not buy expansions... as far as I know >.>
You now have as much information as I do. They either do not know or are hiding information.
it's probably a little bit of both wu. They probably don't know and are too afraid to say it.
Thing is, they don't seem to realize that by not responding, they're making us come up with assumptions that are probably incorrect and much more extreme than what's really going on. Though considering their previous round of mass bannings, i wouldn't be surprised at anything right now...
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