So, I wouldn't say it was a boring week last week... but nothing too much happened. Here are some highlights, followed by random musings and ending with some fun FFXI quotes! (Hopefully no quotes as incriminating as a certain penguin-lover)
First up... various things about FFXI
- Big thanks to Rooks & Tasya for helping me craft the materials for my Etoile Tights +1 upgrade. Also, big thanks to Vanh for helping me with the last of the materials for this, and to Zurar & Teia for helping me farm the memories. I spent about 5 hours in Promy-Mea just killing random mobs over and over and over and over again to farm the necessary memories so that Rooks could help me craft anima. And even after all that I still didn't have enough. If not for Vanh finding some fleeting memories, I might still be in there... Got my Etoile Tights +1 yesterday morning at long last. Too bad nobody ever makes Smooth Velvet, or else it would have been a lot smoother x.x;;
- DRG33 now, though I went from 30-31 in Promy, and 31-33 in a Maze level-sync party, so my polearm skill is slightly out of date. I was also able to reclaim one piece of inventory since I can now use my Peacock Charm and sold my Spike Necklace back to the AH. Slow leveling as usual for this side job
- Sunday afternoon "gil farming" events seem to be doing alright... Did two ENMs this time, the one in boneyard gully, and the one at the top of the mountain. Both are a bloody pain to set up, requiring at least 40-45 minutes of just running around before we enter the fight. Both are also really short fights, though we've been having issues with the hagun fight, always aggroing the non-NMs and having to kill them. As usual, no gil from ENMs, but at least ISNMs gave us two Khroma ore this time around. Brought me to about 1/4 of the way towards a Roundel Earring :)
This week it looks like it's business as usual... nothing special in XI. I really should take some time to finish my sword merits. Just need 4 more merit poitns to finish the last two upgrades, then I'm done with that and can go back to concentrating on HP upgrades.
Random other stuff
Here's some random other fun stuff xD
Remember this? At least one person who reads this blog has expressed interest in Aion Online. Well, looks like the "early-start" has started up and it's the usual launch chaos... long lines to get on, all lowbie mobs/quest mobs are wiped out, and people crowded everywhere. The game doesn't officially launch until tomorrow, so I guess the servers are going to get even more crowded soon.
I was still considering picking this up even as recently as last week... But I just can't do it... from what I've seen, it's a very pretty MMO, great graphics, but from what I've read, it's seems to be a WoW clone with more grinding. The trailer/intro movie that they put up last week didn't do much to inspire interest in the background/lore of the game either. It sounds like some random fanfic that someone wrote and didn't connect me with the characters or universe. Didn't see any interesting game mechanics, lore or even characters to distinguish this from WoW.
Still have higher hopes for Star Wars...
Other games
Kuraikaze, Vanh and Ghiren have been gushing with praises for the new Batman game, Batman: Arkham Asylum. I downloaded the demo on Sunday and tried it out... seems like fun, though I'm not very good at the sneaking-around type games xD Still... it seems to be doing very well with over 2.5M copies shipped, so it might be something I pick up...
Halo ODST comes out tomorrow... which is another big reason why I'm hesitating picking up Batman, and dismissed Aion. Reviews seem to indicate that it is an okay game, which is good cos I pre-ordered it xD Mindless entertainment should be fun for a while~
SE Gaming News
Picked up two bits of interesting gaming news recently:
1. Reportedly, Square Enix recieves 86.6% of its sales from Japan. This is a side note in an article about Koei, but this certainly explains a lot. Why bother spending effort in other regions when you can get almost 90% of your sales and revenue by focusing on one country? I wouldn't bother supporting NA/EU customers either. It wouldn't really hurt the bottom line, and getting rid of them as customers would allow them to cut support costs and probably raise the % profit
2. In a recent interview, FFXI developers revealed that they still have around a YEAR to go before the story for Wings of the Goddess will be completed. This means... it'll be three years since WotG was released before they complete the storyline. Seems to me like a blatant grab at keeping people subscribing until they release XIV.
3. New RMT! Chocobo Chick! OMG Cute! And cheap too at $16! AND comes with an in-game version... Would prefer a plushie, but this is cute enough xD Goes on sale on the 24th!
Ascy's Random Stuff
Some other random stuff... I'm taking a vacation in October, so I'll be pretty much dropping from events for a while.
TV season is starting up! Heroes starts tonight with a 2-hour season premier! Mmmm... I guess... ZNMs... can... do.. without me... right?
Also, I hear that handegg season is starting up too. I guess some people will be watching that? I really hate how it pre-empts other shows though -.-
Finishing off... random FFXI quotes & pics!
Tasya: it's like fighting in a locker room where everybody is an exhibitionist on meth
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