Kirin failure with Impact... can't say too much about this since I don't really know much about how the sky mobs work and what possible strategies there are to fix this... but this wasn't the game's fault.
The frustrating parts came after that... let's see.
ZNMs: Lots more junk drops from Achamoth, Sarameya and even Iriz Ima -.-;
Achamoth: Not a single drop anyone wishlisted... no Organics, no Aurum boots, just a pair of Oracle legs that have been freelot for a long time now. I can't remember the last Aurum boots we got -.-;
Sarameya: Even with a blotched Bard rotation, we still took him down with little trouble and got... nothing but freelot caps. No Hachiryu as usual, but not even a Foolkiller or that silly -accuracy Great Katana. Failed 2x COR reset rolls. which was a 44.4% possibility, so we could not go a 2nd time. At least we got a 2nd PW pop item (Fuuji is planning a strategy to take PW down... be patient! Maybe it'll be a good Christmas for us)
Oh, and for those who wanted to go a 2nd time without Soul Voice, the main reason behind it is that the math doesn't add up... To get a single Sarameya pop, we need:
3x T1 = 3000 zeni
3x T2 = 6000 zeni
3x T3 = 9000 zeni
1x T4 = 4000 zeni
Total: 22,000 zeni - Not counting the time spend to kill all the mobs before this... at least 3 weeks worth of work and waiting to get the pop set together. Failing means that we've just wasted all this time.
Going a week later means that we use 18x500 zeni = 9000 zeni, plus just one fight time, much cheaper compared to failing once. I'd want each time we fight a T4 to be one where we go 100% for the win.
Finally... Iriz Ima that dropped... Earth Crystals -.- wow... not even ANYTHING to freelot.
Wonder if ZNMs are affected by Candy.
On Sunday, I went to Windurst to get the initial cutscenes for the new Shantotto expansion using the "ease of exploration" Kupower since it was easy... I'm not really looking forward to doing this expansion, but I figure it's like... I dunno... doing the CoP missions where it's a chore that has to be done eventually.
So... immediately after the initial cutscenes, you're sent to yet another fetch quest to get things from stupid low-level dungeons in all 3 starter regions, synth them, then go buy some stuff from the AH to do a final synth that ends with an EX item so you have to do the synth yourself.
Let's say... I may not even bother with this expansion due to stupid things like:

So... ya, not only do you have to go on a stupid fetch quest around the world to gather stupid things from mobs (even with a high drop rate, that's hours of travel), then by the time you're done, you can go fail the synth and do it ALL OVER AGAIN.
Ya... **** you SE.
Sounds like you forgot to take your lucky Galka tail out of storage! Better luck next week.
; ; Where's my lucky galka? Any luck with the mails?
I want to see SE dragged through the mud on if they aren't resolving your problem Wu! Preferably right before around the time they release big super-expensive ad campaign...
Galka are almost an endangered species these days. She'll have to chop her tail off of an NPC.
THF/WHM w/ Thief's Knife farmed up replacements for those ASA items in about 30 minutes. At least the farming areas are close to the crags. Be gentle with them this time. :)
oh ya, only reason I could even try this synth is that Ghiren farmed up the items for me... I wasn't planning on touching the expansion until... erm... actually, I didn't have any plans to touch the expansion ~.~
oh, update... just wasted two stacks of Ice Crystals trying to level up alchemy to synth this.
24 crystals, 15 breaks, skill 0.5
And it needs... estimated alchemy level 10?
I'm sorry, there's a big reason why I don't do any crafting in this game. Now it's part of the very first part of this?
I'm going to ask for a refund.
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