More pics of fun stuff from this latest weekend's beta.
First though... something from FFXIV 1.0!
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From the 1.0 Collectors Edition :o |
Says here I'm from Ul'dah and has my nameday too xD Can't believe I still had this lying around. Mmm... wonder if I should start again from Ul'dah so that my character still matches the certificate? I was originally planning on starting CNJ1 in Gridania as that job wasn't even unlocked on my 1.0 char, but maybe I should start as THM1, or GLD4 in Ul'dah? I wanted to play GLD first and even if i start on THM1, I can switch to GLD easily and exp both since they start in the same city... First job gets a little boost from the story quest chain anyway.
Anyway, here are some fun pics!
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Some very interesting landscapes out there |
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The REAL fight of that evil dragon from the 32-35 dungeon Brayflox's Longstop |
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Very pretty "dungeon", though not as fun or interesting as the Manor |
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Nighttime overlooking an outpost. Nice how it's quiet around here (level 30+ area) |
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Whee... people from Impact doing a dungeon together :D Always fun |
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Playing around with the benches |
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Look at that pink hair! And that mix of colors! |
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And we found a Lalafell boy to do our bidding! |
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One of the many cute-creepy creatures! |
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The holy trinity of chocobos! (One from each grand company) |
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SE *DID* promise to tone down the special effects, right? The good news that even though there were a good 30 PCs and 20 mobs doing all sorts of flashy skills in the area, there was no slowdown at all, unlike certain other MMOs |
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Overlooking Costa Del Sol at night... |
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And sunrise at the beach! |
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This is what happens if you don't feed your chocobo enough! |
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Elezen are tall >.< |
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Fighting Jaded Jody. This is a level 31 15-minute FATE NM, while I was level 35 at the time. It's possible to tackle these solo and still get full credit for the FATE, but it takes a long time |
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On the other hand, 30-minute big, *BIG* FATE NMs of the same level can't be soloed xD This is Cancer, just south of Costa Del Sol. I think he's at least 15x my height, probably 40x a Lalafell! |
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But a small group of us managed to take him down... twice! |
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After which, found some bouncies for Zurar! |
This it for this beta weekend! I've actually hit cap for beta at 35 on MRD, but still running around poking things for fun. There's still a lot to potentially do, including working for a promotion in my grand company to get fancy looking gear. This red armor I'm wearing here is from the Limsa grand company!
I'm half wondering if I should join the Limsa GC again at release... their armor color is red and black, which I like. The Gridania colors are green and yellow, while the Ul'dah color appears to be blue...
Let me know what you think! And what your favorite pics are... anything else you'd like to see... questions, etc. There'll be a post about other MMOs, and a special guest post on crafting coming up in the near future!
I wanna see more bouncies!!!
Was a fun weekend. I got my dungeon cherry popped... and then some. Never would have imagined I'd get a near-full tour of beta dungeons done.
After grouping with a couple different tank types, I gotta commend you are your particular game play style. I <3 the targeting and calling out the order of mobs to kill. Was very helpful. Appears to me that the preferred pulling method of XIV is what was the 'initial aggro' method of pulling in XI (i.e. tank runs in and gets everyone's attention). I think it makes things run a lot more smoothly when the tank calls out the order of stuff to kill. Couple questions: (1) Once you're engaged with a target, can you call out the order of other targets or does that ordering have to be done before engaging? (2) As a party member seeing these callouts, is there a way for me to easily target a certain number I see? E.g. If I see targets 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, is there a keyboard shortcut (or can configure) to select target 3?
I think it's amazing that Vanh went from barely level 15 on Friday all the way to 31 on Saturday, and finishing all except the last dungeon in beta! Yay Vanh!
I can see why people don't do the marking of mobs like I do. If you look at my UI, you might notice that the 1-5 slots on my hotbar are what I use to mark targets. I use a controller to actually play the game, so I don't lose any hotkeys by doing this. I picked up this technique during beta 1 from a Gladiator. Marking the targets is a very fast "1, tab, 2, tab, 3, etc." sequence. I actually used to have the bind & sleep marks hotkeyed as well, but I haven't really used them in a dungeon since the mages (Or, Zu and Cao specifically) are pretty smart about sleeping mobs.
I'm not sure why anyone would not use a ranged attack to pull though, both tank classes have ranged attacks and the linking system in XIV is very well defined. They tell you exactly which mobs will link so you can plan for it, even get hints of where mobs might be hiding. Pulling lets you pull back so you won't get aggro from other wandering mobs. Running in to get initial aggro means that the whole party ends up being further ahead in the dungeon, making it possible for mobs deeper in to notice the group.
About your questions:
(1) You can mark targets at any time, before you engage, after you engage, change the mark, etc. (I think FFXIV calls them signs). What I like to do now is mark the first target when we first engage so that the DDs have something to target, then mark the rest of the mobs as they come in. I try not to change the order once they are marked, but sometimes have to in order to get mobs off the mages.
The signs thing used to be a lot more complicated. In alpha, maybe beta 1, there used to be a concept of an "assistant leader" which could mark targets, and in beta 2 only the party leader could mark. I'm glad they simplified it to the current model.
(2) You can use the macros <attack1>~<attack5> to target the marked mobs. i.e.: A macro "/target <attack2>" would let you target it. Similarly, you could do "/ac Sleep <bind3>" to sleep specifically a marked mob, making it possible for raid group leaders to pre-designate mobs to people, and make a BLM's life easy so that they don't have to search for the mob they have to keep asleep.
Other useful targeting macros would be the "/assist", which works just as FFXI, or the <tt> one, which takes action on the target of a target. In theory, a WHM could use "/ac Cure <tt>" when targeting a mob to cure whoever the mob is attacking, or better yet, use "/ac Stone <tt>" when targeting the tank to get an attack off.
One thing I haven't experiments with is the "focus target" feature yet. Not sure how that works or how useful it is...
To be more accurate, I started the weekend at 20, so not as impressive as 15 (but makes me a little more sane gaining 11 level as opposed to grinding out 16 levels O.o)
Yeah, I've noticed you had the markings set to your hotbar and figured that's how you were doing it. I just wasn't sure what method you were using the apply the markings (you explained it as 1-tab-2-tab-3-etc). Makes sense and answers my poorly worded question (1). What I was really asking was at what point do you personally mark the targets, before engaging your first target or did you do it after you engaged...and it sounds like before. You can't really tab to the next mob after you've engaged.
Thanks for the targeting info! I'll have to make some macros for ~ . I haven't played mage in a group yet, but I'm sure those other macros will come in handy down the line.
Actually, I've changed how I mark targets. I used to mark everything in a pull before doing the pull, but with DDs being impatient these days, this would sometimes end up with a silly DD pulling a mob while I was still marking, or as soon as I mark #1. This results in the DD getting hate, then the CNJ healing the DD and things tend to get messy as the mobs will spread out instead of being easily managed.
So now, I'll pull and mark mob #1 at the same time. As the other mobs link and come close, I'll use Flash (or Overpower if there isn't a THM to sleep) Once engaged with autoattack, you can tab and assign the other marks as necessary. Your autoattack will go on the mob that you started on the attack, though you have to be careful when using skills as whatever action you take will go on whichever mob you have actively targeted. This can be useful in cases where you want to do a ranged attack on a mob that is not under your direct control and may be chasing after a mage.
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