I think this is the 4th weekend of the "beta phase 3" of Final Fantasy XIV 2.0. After a teasing forum post that listed no end date for this beta, they announced on Saturday that this was just another weekend beta.
So, from their own notes, they are supposed to have at least a week of sustained 24x7 server uptime during beta phase 3 for reliability testing before they can move on to the next phase of beta. Phase 4 is supposed to lead directly to release with no further character wipes (if they can avoid it) so essentially, phase 4 is near-open-release, especially with the estimated 400k beta players already in the game! Given the game's release date, I'm guessing we have at least another 2-3 weeks before we go into phase 4... sadness.
In any case, I pretty much finished all the beta 3 content as of last week with MRD35, done all 4 additional dungeons between levels 20-34, even tanked Cancer with the help of Caoimhe, Zurar and Vanh. This weekend they added in the "Duty Finder", a cross-server party finder to make it easy to create groups to take on instances. The good news is that this also doubles as an instant transport into dungeons for parties that are already fully formed.
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New chocobo armor! Not the highest you can get, but decently high |
I did some minor experimentation with grand company stuff. The promotion requirements for the grand company start to get high after you reach the Sergeant level, requiring not only a ton of seals (9,000, then 15,000 when a good FATE or quest only gives about 300), but also requiring you to go hunting for mobs, including NMs that will only randomly pop during guildleves. It all adds up to a small amount of grind thrown in. I spent a decent portion of the afternoon doing this, but still managed to get the promotion, get a skirt for my Marauder and some chocobo armor for my companion!
I also did some experimentation with gathering and crafting, reaching level 10 in both Mining and Armoring. I can see how both of these activities can get addictive, and used quite a few leve allowances playing around with them!
Anyway, here's what you probably came for... the photos from this weekend!
I need to do what to get promoted?! |
A few small issues with duty finder. No problems for the bilingual! |
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Yay battle effects everywhere! |
Showing off a little leg! |
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Chilling around waiting for more FATEs |
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An actual White Mage that was playing in duty finder |
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Sometimes, the NPCs worry me... |
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I've done this dungeon a dozen times, but never during sunset! It's amazing how much weather and time changes how an area will look |
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Like... cloudy skies making the ocean look dull |
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Many people out there are making bold moves with character designs. I think it's good that they are planning on releasing a character design program before phase 4 starts! |
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Fire effects make our armor all look like we're glowing :o |
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These 3 Lalafell look like they are up to no good... what's with the big pile of presents?! |
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This is funny... remember this same pose where I'm holding a giant axe? Well, here's my dagger! |
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Tall Mi'qote :o Rarely see tall ones out there. They are usually bred to be cute. |
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Another pretty hairstyle |
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Pretty much the final armor I'll get on MRD for beta... The final dungeon body piece just does not want to drop for me xD At least this shows off my new grand company skirt! |
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Hidden Falls at night... and a female Lalafell in a bikini! |
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Wicked, Vanh, Val and me looking over the floating city of Nym |
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Amazingly, accessories are shown. See the two rings and neck piece? |
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More of the floating city |
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Confirmed! Male Lalafell have NO NIPPLES! |
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Floating city in the day! |
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I think Cao is casting her level 2 limit break in the left side. Also: I'm not supposed to be tanking this one >.> |
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And turning in for the night/week! |
Coming up in the nearish future will be another post by guest Ark on crafting, and a post about other MMOs from me!
So if three Lalafell are near a stack of presents, they're up to no good? Racial profiling in FFXIV! I bet if it were three Roegadyn you'd think they stole the presents!
Anyway, thanks for the pictures of your characters' legs! ^.^)b
Yeah, I was supposed to be tanking that NM, but gladiator sub-22 just doesn't have the damage output to keep hate off a good DD with the hate abilities they get. I threw every hate ability I had at it and then some and absolutely zero fucks were given.
Damage output isn't the key on any of the tanking jobs. The abilities with +enmity should keep you above the hate line. I think on GLD, this essentially means spamming your Fast Blade -> Savage Blade combo whenever possible with occasional Flashes to spike hate up. The hate combo adds the most amount of hate.
As for racial profiling... Lalafell are playful, Mi'qote are cute, Roegadyn are... dangerous? :o What are Elezen!
Also, beta 3 is FINALLY ending next Monday, July 15! (http://forum.square-enix.com/ARR-Test/threads/77221-Beta-Test-Phase-3-Schedule-%2807-08-2013%29?p=934710#post934710) Yay! FFXIV is ending! Long live FFXIV! We're also FINALLY getting some weekday time starting Wednesday July 10! Woo! If they stick to the schedule of 1-2 weeks of debug between phase 3 & 4, we could be actually playing the game by the end of the month!
OMG. You took pics of my non existent nipples D:! I did get to see some leg though... so fair trade~
Soooo, since the poll for long vs short hair has been settled, what's next? Hair color? Maybe it's time for you to make some bold choices of your own XD
Hmm... what should be next? Hair color? Height? Race? Boob size? I'm actually afraid what a poll on the last would look like :P
I'm mildly amused that Mi'qote can choose the length of their tails though!
Yeah, those polls might be scary. I'm not sure you'd want to relinquish that much control over how your character looks like.
And Hyur Highlanders have the option on how chiseled they are. I found that amusing too. Why can't I have a buff Lalafell??? D:
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