Monday, May 11, 2009

Losing energy/motivation

So... it's getting hard to be motivated enough to login to FFXI these days... some of the downers:

- Events I want to do being cancelled (Dynamis, Limbus)
- Stupid low drop rates on things (Dynamis, Nyzul, ZNMs)
- General apathy from people doing things (Lots of no-shows, or people coming reluctantly, or not willing to do prep for events)

Even my idea of having Friday be a day that we get together to do things for people is a huge bust. You know... it's pretty hard to help you do missions or get sea access if you're not willing to login, prep, or even talk about stuff you need.

At this point, about the only thing I actually look forward to is Monday night ZNMs. We're winning, we're (somewhat) getting stuff, and there are SOME people who are willing to go out there and volunteer their time to farm zeni. The cooperative people are definitely earning their rewards, while we also have people who we have to poke and prod to even get the basic 500 zeni to even participate in the fights. Those people really discourage me ~.~ If this were RL, I'd sit them down, give them a talking to, then look into replacing them if their performance does not improve.

Other events... Dynamis is a chore now... I think I've tried making it fun in every way possible, healing, nuking, even trying out main assist. At this point, I'm half-watching Terminator during Dynamis, but I only have 5 episodes of that left... there just hasn't been any interesting drops for me recently, even though I'm at the front of the line for a few Xarc pieces for the past few runs. -.-

Limbus is dying. If we're still doing it in June I'll be very surprised. Utaru is pretty much the only one holding it together now. I'm burnt out.

Einherjar I've consciously decided not to do anymore. I don't mind that Dynamis starts at my dinnertime since I can just come a little later and join in, or take a short break during this multi-hour event. Einherjar is a short event, need to gather, then be there for the whole event and it completely destroys my dinnertime

Salvage I'm also deciding not to do. Salvage isn't just a 90 minute commitment once a week. It's also a commitment to go farm assault points. It also has no reward I'm interested in, even though the event itself is still kinda fresh and fun to me right now.

and... that's it... I've been on-again-off-again for leveling PLD... don't really feel like it since the LAST exp party I had there was a jerk who was yelling at me for provoking. Seriously... we may have a PL, but that doesn't mean that the BLMs can't get whacked around.

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