Biiiiiiiig thanks goes out to Tasya & Slemp for camping this with me... especially Tasya who always said that she'd get me a Joytoy, plus left herself logged in to get time of death, then dragged me out there and sat me down in SSG to actually camp when the window opened, and somehow managed to drag Slemp along too. Yes, you can see how much I actually wanted to camp this, but Tassy insisted ^^;
I guess that also explains the lot :o
It was a surprisingly crowded camp... When we went to the camp, there was... I think 2-3 people standing around killing the pops as soon as they appeared. We think they were spooked by us when we showed up as within the next hour, the small party grew quickly to what looked like a full alliance o.o; Slemp pointed out that they were pretty slow in claiming mobs that popped in the room, and I think that he's right.
When Charby popped, I had time to target him, check the name before using Animated Flourish for the claim. I also saw Slemp starting to move towards him, but he was out of range since he popped right next to me. I guess Flash, while fast, still can't beat Animated Flourish either cos I got the claim xD
Our team was Slemp on NIN/WAR, Tassy on RDM/WHM, me on DNC/NIN. Surprisingly easy fight. Slemp pretty much tanked the whole fight, though he let me play with him a bit too. I managed to test out my evasion set vs. Charby and found that he missed quite a bit, over 50% of the time, maybe higher... My evasion set still needs one more piece so it's not quite complete yet, so this is quite encouraging for me :D The fight was very smooth, no problems. AoEs were quickly healed up, and Slemp didn't spend more than a half second without max HP. Tassy even got to nuke to speed things up!
The competition hung around as well, with lots of congratulations to me from the win xD Good to see friendly competition does exist out there :D
Sadly... this also means that I'll have to merit Sword ; ; It's been sitting at 2/8 ever since I got BLU to level 75 waaaaaaaaaaay back when and I haven't touched it since :o I put the blame for this squarely on Tassy! /nod. And to think I was so close to being done... 18 more merits for Sword, another 10 to finish off HP, then I can be done again xD
I'm half considering selling my expensive Adder Jambiya... but part of me does not want to since it's a really good off-hand. It's one of the rare daggers with evasion, so it's a significant part of my evasion set, and the evasion down debuff is very useful. Pity my Ogre Jambiya attempt turned out to be such junk (another story on this later) otherwise I'd have more incentive to sell my Adder :(
So... that was the 2nd "dropped goal" that was finished so far from my list... I swear that you all are conspiring to make me look silly ^^;
Let's see... Joytoy was mainly for Dancer, though Paladin benefits hugely from it as well. I guess my Justice Sword can go into storage for a while... good thing too as getting Virtue Stones for that was literally killing me.. at least my SCH ^^;
Still to do on DNC:
- Get a Roundel Earring -- In progress... lots more gil needed here
- Novia Earring -- Also in progress
- Finish up Dex merits -- Hugely painful... not sure if I'd really want to do this... currently 1/5 on Dex merits x.x;;;
Big big big thank you again Tassy <3
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