Monday, July 26, 2010

DRG relic completed, Abyssea exp, job stuffs, FFXIV

I guess Dynamis probabilities worked in my favor last week!

6/6 on DRG relic armor. That's the 5th complete set of relic so far with BMO/CTR and more importantly, +4 inventory spaces! Currently missing the PLD body and back pieces for my last job. I'm also missing only a couple of pieces for WHM, BST & PUP, all jobs that I would have considered leveling if not for the level cap increase.

I'm not too hopeful of being able to complete the PLD set given the stupidly low drop rates of these items, especially considering that we've been going after these items in every Dynamis for as long as I can remember.  I'm also not very hopeful of completing my DNC relic +1 pieces. Funny thing is that I'm only missing the relic -1 feet & hands which are not the super-rare Tav pieces.

In any case, Dynamis seems to be wrapping up as an event. With almost everyone at level 80 now, the event itself is becoming a joke at how quickly we plow through the mobs. Unfortunately the drop rate for the things we need is also a joke since we're barely getting any drops at all now (yes, with TH4) and rarely anything people actually want. With new events and new items popping up now with Abyssea and Walk of Echos, I wouldn't be surprised if interest in Dynamis started to taper off. Unfortunately, there are still lots of items in Dynamis that have attributes that can only be obtained via Dynamis. Many of the newer jobs like SCH & COR for example, have job-specific buffs that can only be found on relic armor.

Abyssea exp
Nice part about Abyssea exp is how quickly you can finish a job... The bad part is that it really requires a dedicated amount of time to do.

This past Saturday, we did yet another Abyssea exp alliance... 9am - 3pm Pacific time. I managed to take SCH from 17k into 75 to capped at 80 plus two merits in that time. This was the 3rd job I took to 80 (or near 80) using Abyssea, and 2nd last job that I have to complete. My COR is my last sub-80 job at level 77 and will likely be completed next weekend during another Abyssea exp session.

The draining part about Abyssea is simply the time it takes to do. Even in a properly executed Abyssea exp alliance, you're still looking at spending at least the first two hours getting into a proper chaining position where you can expect chest drops and time extensions, as well as the exp rate to increase to a reasonable amount. It really makes it tiring to actually do one of these sessions, but the alternative -- spending many more days exping in various parties in different locations -- is even more painful to get a job to 80.

Still... I can't imagine doing this all over again for all 6 jobs for the next level cap increase.

Job Stuffs
Since getting more jobs to 80, my perception on my jobs has changed somewhat.

* Dancer
Still overall my favorite in terms of soloing and healing capability. The ability to do heal people outside my party has made this job even more powerful, though I am disappointed that Healing Waltz does not work. The changes to the job itself haven't been really that useful -- I rarely use Presto and Climatic Flourish is amusing, but overall not something I would really use for damage. The biggest change has really been Sekkinoki since that gives DNC/SAM a lot more damage dealing potential. DNC/NIN still wins for overall survivability and damage reduction in nearly all situations.

* Paladin
Native Phalanx and that new Divine Emblem job ability have really enhanced the ability of a PLD/NIN to tank. However, the nerfing of the RDM enmity spells has also severely crippled a PLD/RDM's ability to hold hate. PLD is no longer my #2 favorite job simply due to this, though I still like tanking in PLD/NIN situations.

* Blue Mage
BLU was my first job due to the flexibility and capability of the job, going from anywhere from heavy DD to magical nuker, debuffer or even a full-time support job. The main reason why I avoided playing BLU was due to the support that it required in terms of Refresh. This update gave the spell Battery Charge, a 4MP/tick Refresh that lasts for 150 seconds. Yes, that is higher compared to the RDM Refresh spell, and pretty much means that I almost never run out of MP on BLU anymore.

BLU also got some other interesting spells, including a new full-strength Haste spell that lasts almost twice as long as the normal Haste spell, a new healing spell that also increases attack & magical attack, a regen spell and some more magical nuking spells. Furthermore, BLU/RDM gains the ability to Convert, meaning that a BLU could effectively go on forever. However, I haven't dared to actually use BLU/RDM for anything yet given the amount of hate BLU already pulls simply from doing damage and casting healing spells

Since the update, I've actually been pumping my merits into BLU. Just one more upgrade to Assimilation, then I can move on to completing Enchainment, Chain Affinity Recast and Physical Potency. BLU may end up being the 2nd job I actually finish meriting!

* Dragoon, Scholar
Both of these jobs are now 80. Neither has really gained much from the update. The most I can say is that DRG/SAM can now WS a little more often, and SCH/RDM can now Convert and never run out of MP.

The Final Fantasy XIV beta has started up, and I popped in for a quick look. Pretty much nothing has changed. It's still just as laggy and slow as before. It's also just as pretty as before, graphics looking like they are taken out of a CG movie. However, gameplay is pretty horrible and boring still, with no direction for plot, no guidance and... well, considering this is the second time I played through the opening sequence and it *still* took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to get out of the very beginning area... (it's not obvious and there's a gate preventing you from running directly out) You should see the shouts of people asking basic things like how to fight or form parties! (actually, how do you form parties? I still don't know how to properly do this)

Except for the opening cutscene, there really hasn't been any real NPC dialog, with everyone I talk to so far giving very generic, forgettable statements. It's as though someone turned off the storytelling element that SE used to be good at? Also, I thought that SE added a "new player" tutorial/set of quests in FFXI recently... years after the game launched... You'd think that they would be applying the lessons they learnt to their new game? I haven't seen anything resembling a tutorial or anything to teach you how to do anything in XIV. Keep in mind that this game is supposed to launch in less than 2 months.

Still.. it's amusing to see hundreds of people camping rats like NMs :)


Zurar said...

FFXIV is pretty much junk at the moment. SE has apparently fired all their writers, both technical and story, and forced their artists to take over the job. If this game actually survives past 1 year, it'll be a miracle... but then again, there are a lot of stupid people out there. What happened to all the good MMORPGs?

Ascule said...

Well, BioWare has that Star Wars MMO coming out sometime... 2011? 2012?

Zurar said...

I've given up on Bioware too... all their games are the same boring storyline with even more monotonous gameplay. It appears the only games worth playing anymore still come from Blizzard... with the exception of WoW.

I still wonder how and why EQ2 dropped below the radar. That game was actually quite well done... though I'm guessing the story and characters might've been a little weird... not to mention it's as old as FFXI is.

Zurar said...

There's only 2 games I'm still looking forward to. Diablo III and White Knight Chronicles 2. WKC2 only because of how well they are listening to their customers in making the second one... or at least it seems like things people would ask for. They've certainly added some things that make it sound incredibly fun... and they're even making enhancements to the first one through it.

kurai said...

Thank you zu for being the only other person I know that sees bioware games for the clones of each other that they are XD

As for the 14 release, they are prolly rushing to beat cataclysm to the market as that's the only way they'll be getting any sales in this year.

Zurar said...

"As for the 14 release, they are prolly rushing to beat cataclysm to the market as that's the only way they'll be getting any sales in this year."

I completely forgot about that... good point. Though I'm more than confident that, outside the engine coding, anyone at my school could make the changes necessary to make the game fun, AND still make the deadline... though obviously that would depend on the code language they use, since we've only learned C#, whatever FX composer uses, and a few scripting languages.

I guess I can't completely shut bioware out yet though... this is their first MMO, so there's a chance it may be different...

Ascule said...

Well, truthfully, the BioWare formula works! I still enjoy it... Kinda like how StarCraft 2 is still the same formula as StarCraft

Btw: EQ2 just became free-to-play, so if it really is worth picking up, maybe some of us should go poke it

And finally... who cares about WoW or FFXIV! Where are your StarCraft 2 accounts!?

Zurar said...

Lol, good points Ascy... and my SC2 acct is still sitting at Gamestop... I haven't played a serious game for 2 weeks now ; ;

Vanh said...

I still haven't played any significant amount of FFXIV. Only created my char, did tutorial battle, and exited the starting room... only to have it disconnect on me at that point. I tried to connect to the servers a few times, but never any luck.

Oh well, I have SC2 to play now! Beat campaign today, and now practicing against CPU before I dive into online multiplayer X.x

Ascule said...

Ooo! Vanh, what's your email address or however you add frineds in SC2? I just finished the campaign last night... haven't played any multiplayer games since beta though. I have Kurai on my friends list... could get some coop multiplayer games going :)