It's been a week since I finished FFXIV on Paladin. Since then I've mainly been toying around with Archer/Bard while waiting for other people to catch up to 50 so that we can start farming the endgame activities. (For those who aren't playing FFXIV, you start the game as a "class" but at level 30, you get the ability to unlock specific "jobs". For example, the Gladiator class unlocks to become a Paladin, the Arcanist class can unlock two jobs, Summoner and Scholar. The Archer class unlocks the Bard job)
As expected, since I did all the quests the first time around. for Archer/Bard, the main way I got exp was through FATEs. With FATEs, you average about 1 level every 45 minutes or so, so if you play intensely, you can probably get from 1-50 in about a week's play.
Together with Kuraikaze, Zurar and A'sanya, we decided to also throw in some dungeon farming for some loot. Specifically, the Brayflox dungeon (level 32-35) as the gear at this dungeon pretty much lasts until you start to get your AF pieces at level 45.
Plus, the design on these armors are unique! This is the "Infantry" set which is used by all physical DDs
Specific dungeons have sets with unique looks. Like the Foestriker set from level 15-18 dungeons or this Infantry set from level 32-35 |
The FFXIV community is still extremely toxic, people throwing names at each other, shouting insults, dropping from duty finder, etc. Turning off shouts and ignoring the rest of the community is quite advised, at least until the toxic people leave. I'm guessing that this will start to happen at around the end of the year as they finish up the content, get bored, and other MMOs start to be released.
Meanwhile Archer, or Bard has been a lot of fun and a different change from tanking. It's a ranged DD (and technically support) so it has mobility, isn't in a lot of danger, and can put out a sustained amount of damage. Being able to shoot while moving is a huge advantage as well, so unlike all the other DD jobs, I'm not as hindered by needing to avoid boss moves. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm probably going to stick with Bard for the long-term.
In any case, while playing around with other jobs, I also played a lot of Marauder and Lancer. This was mainly to get them up to use their abilities as subs for other jobs. Of course, along the way I also used them for dungeons, and also did some of their class quests!
A dyed scale armor set ~level 30 |
Oh, SE also released the "Moonfire Faire" event, which mainly consists of a simple FATE and buying swimsuits! The towns were filled with people running around in "fire resistant gear" on Tuesday, feeling much like a festival!
Fireworks too! Lots of fireworks! |
By Thursday, the towns were completely deserted again... making the decorations look very sad.
Anyway, here are a few other random pics!
I want this Miqo'te's outfit... looks like a real Archer! |
It's pink! (Also, my current UI layout. I'm finding that I've been using the "Recommended" section a lot to see what quests or hunt mobs I have available when I enter a zone) |
Ascie Lotte on Excalibur! It's a mini-me! (though I haven't tried contacting anyone on Excal yet) |
Old guy teaching me how to use a... bow-harp? What do you call those things that Bards use to shoot and play songs! It's like a gunblade but is a bow that turns into a harp o.o |
More recently in the week, I've been farming the Dzemael Darkhold (level 44+) dungeon with Zurar, Kurai, Vanh, Fuji, even Val and Rooks at various points. The first boss of this dungeon drops a few... unique model armors for mages and DDs.
It's Kurai the clown! |
And Fuji coming on to a cat not in heat! |
Vanh and Fuji having a moment... |
And here's the crowd! (Yes, Fuji *is* wearing the mage gear drop. Vanh's just wearing the male swimsuit from the Moonfire Faire xD) |
Of course, I also got a set too...
Bikini Fighter! (Seriously, this is a level 44 armor set from FFXIV. The body piece is good till 50 ~.~) |
Side note, that's a METAL top, so they don't bounce :P
Looking great in your new bikini!
Wish I could have been there.
Cheers, Ark.
You should tell them how much defense that f***er has!
Uh.. We prefer to be called Crazy Lunatics of the Wild North
Brd, ballad prs!
-100% bounce stat
+80% more skin
Worthy tradeoff =o
By the way, I'm wearing the Colluseum subligar in the pic, but looks like summer gear D:
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