Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What Ascy has been up to

Pretty sure nobody actually reads this anymore... but if you do and are wondering what I have been up to...
Create, Discover and Share GIFs on Gfycat
Give me and a bunch others a buzz if you play Overwatch xD


Rooks said...

Knowing when you post things is what RSS is for!

Wutangwarrior said...

Hurray for RSS and Ascy!

Ascule said...


Also, come join Overwatch! Unlike stupid FFXIV or other MMOs, there are NO F***ING CHORES and it's crazy fun! Games are 2-10 minutes each and you can easily jump in to join friends.

Here's a highlight Kurai took from me demolishing the enemy team

And here's a really silly game where unconventional tactics made even the enemy team lol

Kurai said...

Look at me jumping around like a jackass as Mercy, reviving all the peoples!