Wow... now last night was an interesting night. First time out to an event as PLD, and actually, the first time ever as PLD/NIN. Tanked 3 mobs, two Gotoh and one Dea. I think overall it went okay, with the second Gotoh being better(hate-wise) than the first as I was still figuring out what tools I had to hold hate and how to use them the first time around. I did screw up once on the 2nd Gotoh by trying to recast Utsusemi by using Shield Bash, then casting it right next to Gotoh while low HP. Guess that trick doesn't work when he uses Firespit that goes right past shadows xD Also made some silly mistakes, mainly about my gear macros, plus I'm still not used to using Atonement and how I should spike hate just before WSing with it. This is probably my first 75 job where I'm actually using my TP regularly to WS. On BLU, half the time I'd use TP to boost damage or duration for a spell, and DNC I rarely WS in the first place.
Still need more experience with this before I'd be able to say with confidence that I'd tank anything... plus these were only kited fights, so there are a lot of other situations I need experience with.
Funny part about leveling PLD...
So, the funny part about leveling PLD is that it plays completely differently in exp compared to playing it for events. From 1-75, I was PLD/WAR with the simple job of keeping the mob's attention so that it doesn't go after DDs or mages. I was constantly using Provoke, Berserk, and Warcry and it was easy to hold hate... to the point where I was watching Conan O'Brian on Hulu for about half my exp parties. My gear macros weren't complicated, mainly consisting of switching from a max MP set to my HP set once I use up some initial MP, and my Cover macro that puts on the Gallant Coronet specifically for cover. Level Sync also meant that I never had a chance to put on some of the higher level toys I had, like the Ethereal Earring.
Then... I hit PLD75 and everything suddenly changed. Subjob choices are now NIN and RDM. I also suddenly got access to a ton of other gear that I had sitting around including Homam, and my now usable for the first time Askar head & body. It wasn't just about keeping hate anymore, but keeping hate and also staying alive x.x The mostly enmity+haste gear macros I had were no longer sufficient with the new equipment and I had to consider other aspects. Switching into DD gear for WS suddenly became unnecessary with Atonement since it's damage is based only on enmity. The hate tools that I was used to suddenly disappeared and was replaced with other tools, meaning entirely different macros needed to be made...
It was almost as though I had leveled into a weird new job xD
Paladin Equipment - Looking for advise/suggestions
The bad part about having just finished PLD on Sunday, and coming out to a fight as PLD/NIN for the first time with minimal preparation is that my equipment was a complete mess last night ^^; I had put together some quick gear macros to emphasize haste, thinking this would be a straight-up fight where Utsusemi recast would be critical to avoid taking damage and losing hate. I still had my WS macros where I was swapping in Suppanomimi, but didn't have a macro to swap out for it... not that gear swapping was necessary for Atonement anyway.
During ZNMs yesterday, I talked to quite a few people about advise for this new job... Fuuji, Rooks, Wu all had interesting ideas that I wanted to try out. Some things that I picked up:
- Kited fight -- Probably a better idea to stack on more +enmity compared to haste. I noticed during the fights last night that the timers weren't the problem, it was more making sure I could pull hate away from the DDs
- More HP = able to stay alive. Stacking on HP gear at the expense of *some* enmity is worth it. Dying = 100% enmity loss xD
- I need to start putting together a Magic Defense Bonus set
After ZNMs yesterday, I went to do a little gear shopping and started modifying my macros for different situations. I picked up some AN items, the Iron Ram Hose and Iron Ram Greeves for use as a max enmity & MDB gear set, then I started to figure out what situations I needed to prepare macros for. So far, I've come up with the following:

* Maximum Enmity -- For kited fights, and possibly as PLD/RDM
- Macuahuitl+1 - +4
- Koenig Shield - +3
- Iron Ram Sallet - +5
- Gallant Surcoat - +2
- Homam manopolas - +3
- Iron Ram Hose - +4
- Iron Ram greaves - +3
- Harmonia's torque - +3
- Hercules' ring - +3
- Mermaid's ring - +3
- Warwolf Belt - +3
Total of +36 enmity
The only change I'd do for PLD/RDM compared would be to put up my AF feet equip for the +shield skill.
* Maximum Haste /w enmity - Mainly for PLD/NIN
The main changes compared to the above set would be:
- Homam legs - +3% Haste & Fast Cast
- Homam Feet - +3% Haste
- Macroing Swift Belt (4% Haste) for Utsusemi casting
This setup also gives the highest HP maximum at the moment, just over 1400 HP. Wu suggested macroing in the Walmart Turban for Utsusemi casting, but as a healer, I know how annoying it is when trying to target a tank for healing. I'm making a point to only swap non-visible gear during a fight (Except for Cover... but if I'm covering someone, chances are that means I'm not the one needing healing!)
Ok, this gear set is mainly for having fun in, as well as PLD/DNC. I really doubt this would be used for much serious tanking at all. It's mostly haste equipment thrown on, ignoring all +enmity to go for as much TP gain as possible.
This was very effective last night on PLD/DNC during campaign. I thought BLU & DNC were good at campaign. BLU can generally solo a single mob, and sleep up to two mobs. DNC can easily solo a single mob, but any more than that I'd have to probably use Trance at some point. On PLD/DNC holding 3 mobs at once wasn't a problem. Between Waltzes and MP cures, as well as Aspir Samba, Ethereal Earring and Parade Gorget to regain MP. Since I just spent over 100k AN in buying things, I figure I should rebuild back up to 500k AN again, and re-earn my latest medal in preparation for the July update... Last night, Zu managed to convince me to go back to the past to campaign for the first time since the beginning of the year >.>
Start of a new PLD
So... that's what I'm currently working with. I still need to experiment with PLD/RDM and see how that works. I also need to pick up some merits, and I already have some new gear that I'm considering getting. I don't really have a MDB gear set yet, and I'm not sure what to get for that. Iron Ram gear is definitely a start.
Merit wise, I want to unlock Chivalry and Fealty (6 merits total) to start... then see what happens. I still have HP merits to do, and some skillups (Sword is uncapped now due to PLD's higher rating compared to BLU, and Shield is still a few levels behind).
Gear wise, I was agonizing over giving up my DNC tanking Mirke Wardecors for the Nuevo Coselete. While I like the look of the Neuvo, I didn't really want to give up this rare +enmity piece for DNC. A few weeks ago, Vanh pointed out that the Iron Ram body piece would probably be a decent PLD piece, given the pattern for the other pieces that have been released so far. That just gives me more incentive to go do a little more campaign to get the new medal in order to buy that piece :)
Other equipment I was considering are:
- Ritter Gorget -- Def: 8, HP+25, Evasion+5, Enmity+3
Einherjar piece... I was actually considering this for DNC as well because of the evasion & enmity (Can DNC use this?) but I decided back then that I didn't do enough DNC tanking to justify getting it. Now with PLD and DNC as possible tanking roles, I'll be picking this up as soon as I am able
- Loquacious Earring - MP+30, Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
Limbus piece, another 75 Ancient Beastcoins... A long time ago many people told me I should get on many jobs, first being BLU. I never really thought it was that necessary, but PLD/NIN might benefit from it as a swap piece to speed up Utsusemi. I'd also be able to use it on all my other jobs, even SCH due to the extra MP and being able to cast that much faster for those long casting nukes.
I think that's basically everything I have control over... any other piece of gear (like Valor equip) is subject to random chance and isn't something I can say that I'll go out to get intentionally. If you know of anything from the AH, or is obtainable under controlled conditions that you think my PLD could use, please let me know :)
1 comment:
I think you got everything covered. For pure kiting I'd consider Earth staff and Iron ram lance. Of course you lose out on enmity... but if you can get a hold of a Shark Strap, things look a little better ^^;
I just mention the lance because its -10% damage, which includes magic as well.
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