Large train to zone!
So... somehow in this really weird Limbus, I was consistently outnuking the BLMs >.>
Seems like many parties appreciate me on PLD xD
The... 30 second
fight that was Bahamut V2.

Dynamis-Tav Astral flow!
Musings about virtual universes and my adventures through MMOs
Congratz on new gear and what looks like a fun time... I'll be back in there by the end of the week if I'm not up all night gaming with my RL friend =P
With next update, I'd wager Iron Ram Body would be worth getting for PLDs. Almost all other level 68 Iron Ram gear beats PLD AFV2 it terms of +enmity and +hp, so it shouldn't be much different with the upcoming body. At the very least, it'd be better than than Gallant Surcoat.
I know, this comment is off-topic and should go with the other post, but tough luck! XD
My gear when I hit PLD75 is probably going to look very... very ugly xD
Hey, it can't be as bad as mine!
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