Monday, August 31, 2009
Time for a toy!

Long big update time + lots of pics (and spoilers!)
Whee… big post time. I recently realized that some people who read my blog actually don’t play XI anymore, but still find it fun to read about what’s going on through my blog, so I’m going to do my best to take more pics and post them up here. Didn’t post pics last week, so this week’s Monday post will include some pics from the week before. I’ll also be posting some pics from the WotG missions which contain spoilers, so be warned!
Ok, first up… lots of updates on activities in FFXI.
#1: Big congrats to Spengler for last Thursday’s record Nyzul Isle run! Goliard boots AND Denali legs both in one night! This actually concludes our current “need” list, so our Nyzul group is taking a much needed break at the moment… didn’t get together last night, though if people are up for it, we can probably get together sometime in the future and either work on people’s “want” lists (2 Askar, 1 Golaird for me, Ghiren is eyeing Denali, plus I think Speng & Zu are still interested in some pieces?), help people climb (Teia, still out there? Saw you last night!) or do something else like ISNMs or doing regular assaults for people.
#2: Big congrats to Fuupup for his Hachiryu pants last Monday, followed by his Novio Earring on Tuesday! Talk about good stuff happening in pairs!
#3: Congrats to me and Vanh for… catching up completely with all the WotG missions! Especially big thanks to Vanh for duo-boxing the last two fights. Since Fuuji was busy on Sunday, the two of us got together and started working through the final few missions (and picked up a gobbiebag upgrade along the way) That’s it for WotG missions for us until the next update. Only thing left for me in WotG content is to finish up the last few Bastok quests.
#4: Big big thanks to Tassy for helping me farm up some sea organs for my Soil Gorget. Having two people doing this is a lot, lot, lot easier and safer compared to just one… Of course, she was the one who dragged me out there in the first place, so… maybe she is to blame too? xD I’m almost done… just need one UFO organ now >.>
#5: [Censored]
Alright… time for the main event… lots and lots of pictures! First up are random pics… I’ll keep the WotG pics at the end so you can avoid them if you don’t want spoilers!
Recent Random Pics
As part of my “twin PLD” series, I’m posting more pics of various Paladins who dress like me… This week: Kazenokizu, who managed a 1:1 mapping for visible equipment!
Next up… big train to zone… i wonder who all those Mamool Ja are after…
Here I am tanking Jailer of Love… Surprisingly simple job on PLD/RDM
Of course, if you poke JoL… right after his friend AV comes along :o
Now for some fun numbers… first, breaking my Blizzard IV record, followed by a crazy number of skillups. This isn’t with the “martial” thingie mog tablet, so I’m curious to see how much better that will be.
That’s it for random pictures…
Next up, WoTG mission cutscenes… Warning: CONTAINS SPOILERS
First up, a Lil’showdown…
Next, a series I call… the faces of Cait Sith =3
And… time for a catfight!
Couple of Dancers in trouble ; ;
And… tarutarus had better watch out… Dancers can Sneak Attack!
I really, REALLY think that the DNC 2-hr should include an animation that does something like this:
And how come Lilisette gets all the cool moves ; ;
And finally… WotG is coming up to the big showdown!
That’s it for this week! Stay tuned next week for hopefully more fun things!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sooooo.... I'm probably going to be banned soon.
Monday, August 24, 2009
More progress + next-gen MMO news
Friday, August 21, 2009
So what next?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fashion show!
So… here’s a little fashion show :) I’m only putting up full sets… so… one set in particular is not yet complete. I never picked up the Cobra Unit Harness, so I don’t have a pic of that
First up, SCH & PLD stuffs!
Here we have the actual SCH AF… the SCH AF with relic body and hat, PLD AF and the Iron Ram set from Sandy [S]. While the SCH relic set is not complete, it does match well with the AF set so I included it xD The SCH relic body has a small dat mod to change the skirt from the dull brown color to a much nicer red :D There’s another dat mod in there that I’m not saying!
Now for some swimsuits… I screwed up the 2nd pic slightly xD
In keeping with the theme… we have some festival outfits!
Full x-mas gear… Mumor’s Sunbreeze Festival outfit (complete with heart rod) and the latest yukata!
Can’t forget the base AF for my first two jobs… another couple of dat mods on my DNC AF, including Lilisette’s hairpin xD Now… does anyone know what the armor set on the right is? I really doubt anyone else has this full set xD
And to finish off the fashion show… Dancer relic!
I really don’t like the way the Azoth looks so I replaced it’s dat file with another Jambiya… so now I actually look like I have matching daggers!
And… bonus pic from Sunday’s Einherjar xD
That’s it for pics from last week!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Dancer - Complete!

Monday, August 10, 2009
BLU Fashion Show!
First up, big THANK YOU to Rooks, Dade, Rizon, and Weaponx for helping me get my last BLU spell: Asuran Claws… While this isn’t one of the critical spells a BLU needs, it is a very nice feeling to be completely done with all BLU spells (at least until the next big update).
Furthermore, on Saturday’s Limbus I lucked out with the drop and actually got my last Homam piece from Omega… It’s been 1 1/2 years since I started doing Limbus, Back then I was a newly leveled BLU, not even 75 on my first job yet, and the roster was significantly different. Vanh & Fuuji are the only other two left from that period who are still with us.
We’re definitely at a point where we can continue to pull off Omega consistently if membership remains as it is… I’m hoping it does, since Toku & I had set up the point system such that people would still have incentive to stay even after completing homam since Ancient Beastcoins are a decent source of gil and items.
Anyway, on with the fashion show! First up… all my BLU outfits. I think at this point my Blue Mage is complete… I can’t think of any other outfits that would significantly impact my performance. (click for bigger image)
Ok, now time for some other fun pics from the past few weeks~
A long time ago in an early Dynamis Jeuno, I successfully took an Eagle Eye Shot straight to the head on Dancer by pulling hate for the split second it took for the mob to do the move… Of course, since I go to Dynamis as DNC/SAM…
Now on PLD:
Here’s an example of Ebullience at work… or as Vanh/Fuuji call it, SCH hax!
Later that same run… overconfident BLMs? xD
This is the reason why I like to come as SCH for the AMK final fight… need to bring SAMs next time. 5 Henchmen pop, but before I could get off the Aspir, Zurar had killed one with a self-darkness SC for almost 10k
Seems like PLDs everywhere dress pretty similarly xD Iron Ram body looks pretty similar to hydra body :)
Here’s Teia with a completely inappropriate dying position ~.~
And here’s Altima who somehow managed to fall under the ice… silly DRK
I’m still amused that I can put together Mumor’s entire outfit xD I can look like an NPC!
The new yukatas look really light compared to the old ones… here’s the new & old side by side
That’s it for now!