Sorry! Been REAAAAAAAAAAALLY busy lately... work, life, FFXIV... but the end of 2.1 is upon us and I wanted to post an update about stuff that's happened since the last patch!
In my last entry, I was a tiny Lalafell doing the cutest things like:
Opening doors to scary towers with grown up friends! |
Pretending to be a teddy bear! |
Fishing happily! |
Going to the all-lala parties! |
Well, since then I've kinda gone crazy and leveled every single war & magic class to level 50 ~.~ You can see my lodestone profile at While it was a fun project, it didn't take anywhere near as long as I thought it would. I also capped rank in all three grand companies along the way and did all the silly stuff like relic weapons. This got me my first silly looking crown!
All hail queen Ascy! |
Well, after being a Lalafell for a few months... it was fun, but... the most annoying thing is that I like to play fully zoomed out to see the full battlefield... and... as a tiny lala, sometimes I just can't see where I am on the battlefield. So I decided to return to being Hyur for a while... maybe once SE releases Fantasia potions for sale I'll try being a kitty and revisit being a lala again!
No more meeting random Lalafells and posing seriously ;; |
Goodbye my reindeer pets! |
The 2.1 release very quickly settled into a fairly regular routine... Beastmen daily quests for the first 6 weeks, together with weekly Crystal Tower and Binding Coil of Bahamut runs. Between the usual scheduled stuff, I decided to take up crafting and gathering with the goal to level all of the jobs to 50 together at the same time. I'm still making my way there (40+ on everything!) and should be done in a week or two if I don't get sidetracked. Vanh and Naih also decided to do the same thing, both of them beating me to the finishing line easily since I had to travel for the last two weeks xD
Whee, tanking ADS... soon to be farmed! |
The only interruptions from the routine were the special events that SE threw in once in a while... While welcome distractions, sometimes they did feel like chores that you just had to do cos they were there. At least they were entertaining if you read the dialog and aren't too tedious!
Waaah! She followed us here! ;; |
Only half a heart ;; |
One of the big things that 2.1 brought to FFXIV was Free Company housing. This started at a stupidly high price that was impossible for all but the richest (especially those on legacy servers like Hyperion) FCs to afford, but price adjustments and automatic devaluation would bring the pricing down to something more reasonable at the end of March.
As far as I could tell, the only thing you can do in player housing that you can do in other places is lay down like this:
What's that Amalj'aa looking at :o |
About 6 weeks ago, CTR decided to aim for a medium sized house with the goal of purchasing it before the 2.2 patch was released, and just as the expected pricing for FC housing hit the minimum value after all the devaluation. Medium is a decent sized house for our FC since we aren't one of those FCs who take just everyone with hundreds of members, and the small house is just... well... my RL bedroom is larger than that house ~.~
A good portion of the money was raised from personal donations, and another significant portion from the FC coming together to go treasure hunting together. After a final push last Saturday, we finally bought our house in the Limsa housing district, the Mist!
Yay for the beach! And miqo'te in bikinis I guess :o |
Rooks buying the land... (SS from Rooks!) |
And... buying the house that goes on the land! |
I think nearly all FC members who were online at the time showed up as we were debating and looking at the plot. (and some SWW friends too!)
And for some reason, a good number of them were naked and standing on our gate :o |
Our plot is right at the top of the hill, but has a straight run right down to the dock and beach. With a summoning bell and market board already directly below us, we're pretty much set!
Good view all the way down. We're also ready for the sea level to rise due to the effects of releasing Bahamut into the atmosphere. |
The crafters in the FC have been busy since Saturday, making a ton of furnishings, decorations and more. I'll post more in the future once the house is somewhat settled, but for now, here's a sneak preview pic of me sitting on top of Ark!
Funny things you can do with furniture! |
The 2.2 release lands this week which changes things around again with new content, but the nicest part is that CTR can participate in all the housing stuff, including crafting stations, having NPCs in the house itself, gardening, etc.
See y'all next time!
Eternal dibs on the master bedroom
By the time you come back Yoshi-P may have added official bedrooms attached to GC houses!
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