The 2.2 patch for FFXIV is out bringing with it lots of changes. This is the "hardcore content" patch which brings with it an increase in ilevel, different grinds and more part of the coil. It also releases more main storyline, dungeons, sidequests and other fun features, just like the 2.1 patch before.
The fun features include:
- Glamours -- The ability to skin your outfits however you want
- Retainer Ventures -- Send your retainers out in SWTOR-like gathering missions
- Challenge Logs -- Get gil & exp just for doing stuff! Gil comes a lot more easily in this patch
The grind has changed as well. They've removed the myth cap for 2.2 and instead added a new tome to grind for i100 gear. They also removed the "one item per week" restriction on the Crystal Tower and entry restrictions for turns 1-5 of the Binding Coil of Bahamut. Unfortunately, this means that CT gear is obsolete unless you want it for vanity reasons since people can simply grind for myth or coil items.
Speaking of grinding, not only is the "2.0" style of grinding dungeons for tomes is back with the new solidarity tome, but SE is bringing FFXI-like grinds back with the "Zodiac Weapons". We're talking collecting multiple items with a ~0.5-1% drop rate, doing lots of work for small minor upgrades. It's kinda like the mythic weapons of FFXI, but not quite as extreme. Already people are reporting taking 12-20+ hours of continuous FATEs to start on the quest. Still, there are some people who have already completed their animus weapons the patch being out for less than one week, so it isn't anywhere near as bad as the FFXI relic or mythic weapon grind
Whee... ability to grind low-level FATES for days on end is now unlocked |
This patch is definitely on the hardcore side, giving lots of grindy content and making people repeat dungeons over and over. Lots of the content is still gated and many people can't access it. For example, to do turns 6-9 of coil, you have to be able to beat turn 5. To even be eligible to attempt Levithan Extreme, you need to beat Ifrit EX (and many people are stuck at Titan EX). To gradually ease difficulty, SE is adding an "echo" buff that increases your stats by 5-50%. It's already there in the EX primals, and it'll be coming for coil which should make it easy to win... as long as you aren't losing to mechanics or latency issue.
I'm guessing that 2.3 will be the "casual" patch with more Crystal Tower, releasing gear at i95 to provide a bridge between the outdated "myth" gear and the new tome/coil gear.
On my own personal, I've hit level 50 on all crafting jobs! Yay! Just two more gatherer jobs to go before I can retire from FFXIV! The final level 50 quests for the crafting jobs were quite cute in many cases...
arning: Small spoilers follow in pics from now on!)
I knew we could use Lalafell as weapons! |
Poor Mammet... |
Raise works on automations?! |
Aww... cute children fighting in the playground! |
One of the cutest romances in FFXIV! |
Why do Alchemists always try to raise the dead?! |
She looks like she means business :o |
Double barreled business! |
The *other* cute romance in FFXIV! |
So... after saving the world a half-dozen times, I'm cooking dinner? |
Don't let her know I got take-out from the AH! |
That's a big fish :o |
The CTR house has really come together nicely since we bought it just over a week ago. Here's what it looks like now...
From the front (and me in my new cooks outfit thanks to Ark!) |
Little campfire and mailbox (mogbox?) |
And the newly added (as of 2.2) garden! |
And romantic bench... with nobody else around ;; |
Full service bar (with NPC vendors!) |
Social area to hang out... (where is everyone?!) |
Fireplace in the basement |
And a hot tub! |
A Tonberry guards this bedroom from unwanted visitors... |
And I stuff the Lalafell intruders and put them on display! |
And Marcux created a "multi-person" bed xD |
Alright! That's enough of the personal and housing stuff... here's what you really wanted to see! The 2.2 patch content! Screenshots that follow may contain mild spoilers!
Obviously let's start with the most important parts of the 2.2 patch!
Guess who? |
Yay! Hildibrand is back! |
And making us do goofy things! |
Still.. what's with the green chicken :o |
And... what's that chicken looking at? |
Incoming! O.O |
:O |
Oh no! He caught Hildibrand! |
Grrr! Scary pose! |
Whee! Goofy pose! |
Waiting waiting... what's the chicken eating? :o |
That's a big bridge. I wonder what we're going to do there... |
Oh right. This is a game where we fight people! |
And the chicken is STILL around :o |
No fair shrinking us! |
Ribbit! |
I'm pretty sure... that's not going to work |
Best "Duty Complete" pose ever xD |
That's all for this episode! |
Next time in patch 2.3! |
The Hildibrand quests are pretty much my highlight for this patch! The right amount of silliness, humor and... actually, that's mainly it! It's the perfect distraction from the rest of the grind and seriousness in FFXIV. It's just a pity that it's over relatively quickly and you have to wait another 3 months till the next episode.
For other fun FFXIV content... we have three new dungeons. One brand new one and two new hard modes. The dungeons themselves are pretty fun with some old familiar mechanics, some brand new ones and old friends. I try to make a point of going through the dungeons at least once with as little info as possible to figure things out with a fresh group. Still, they weren't much of a problem and we pretty much passed everything relatively easily.
The brand new dungeon! |
Creepy spores... very "Nausciaa" like |
This looks like it could be complicated! |
You look familiar :o |
It's now a gladiator arena! |
I like how there are NPCs here. Too bad you can't buy anything xD |
Those bears are huge! |
Yay! Fan service :D |
And more... erm.. fan service :o |
Interesting overlay effect whenever this move is used. |
More fun in goblintown! |
And the goblins have toys now! O.O |
So... what else... other minor stuff includes two new Beast Tribe factions to do daily quests. This means another ~45 days of grinding to get max reputation there to get their mounts/minions. It's a clear addition of more grindy content to keep people busy and give the perception of progress so that you'll keep your subscription until the next content release. However, it... actually works... It's still keeping my sub, the new beast tribe quests are actually faster and easier compared to the original, and they give venture tokens which you can use with your retainers. It really seems that Yoshi-P knows just how far to push people here to keep subs up.
The Sahagin are one of the two new tribes |
And the goblins are the other. The purple goblins are... female :o |
I'm not sure I'd trust these with my chocobo :o |
Meanwhile I'm just happily dancing away~ |
That's enough of the side content! Just like the previous patch, this patch moves the storyline forward a little bit more. It's interesting that they're releasing this in almost episode-like chunks. It's kinda like FFXI's Wings of the Goddess expansion where they're releasing the content bit-by-bit, but unlike WotG, it doesn't feel as annoying as basically, they've released the whole story during the initial 2.0 release and now we're just getting additional content.
Anyway, here's some shots from the main storyline! (spoilers! obviously...)
A new player arrives! |
Let's all have a get together! |
No fair! I want to dual-wield weapons too! |
And jump onto enemies! (yes, a dual-wielding dagger job is definitely coming!) |
Still, Merlwyb applies her solution as usual |
Uh-oh... hi Levi! |
He really has bad breath :o |
What part of fighting a giant water serpent from a boat sounded like a good idea?! |
And... another vague ending screen for 2.2! |
Until next time!
Whoa, blog updates!
Grats on beating the game (all 50s).
I'm so tired of the grindy content, and there's a ton of it in the patch. Both Zodiac and Levi weapons are going to be a huge grindfest. At first, I thought the Levi weapons would be the way to go, but now that I've heard of all the stories of mirror drop rate, I'm not so sure anymore... Atma's take a long time, but at least you can chip away while solo. I don't know, it's a lose/lose situation either way D:
It's completely designed to be grindy... they need that top-tier content for progression and "world first" groups to go after that the bulk of the population will strive towards, but never reach, and they need the casual content for other people to provide the wider base. They also need the grindy content for the no-lifers to shut up.
At least you can choose what grind you want to do now!
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