Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fan Dance vs. 1000 Needles!

Utty pulled me out to help Tayles to fight a Cactuar NM, Saotender Enamorado.

Turns out this NM likes to spam 1000 Needles! After the first one, I threw up Fan Dance and went into pure healing mode to keep everyone alive. As a result, I got some solid numbers on what Fan Dance does.

3 people, so regular damage is 333 without modification
With Fan Dance up, this did: 33, 66, 99, 133, 166, 233, then 266 onwards until the end of the fight.

So, Fan Dance damage reduction is: 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 30%, then 20% on until it either wears, or the effect is cancelled. The mob got one regular hit in on me between the 166 & 233 1000 needles, so i'm guessing that's the 40% hit.

Basically, starts at 90% reduction, then goes down by 10% every hit until it stops at 20% reduction and stays there!

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