Exping on DRG has been pretty fun for me so far... unfortunately, as many people have told me, DRG really does not get much equipment during exp levels. It's not until 75 that DRG gets good gear, which suits me just fine since I don't like buying too much gear while leveling only to just sell it later xD
DRG69 now, just 6 left till 75, so I'm looking a little ahead at 75 and looking for advise on how to gear up this new job. It's my first melee-type DD, so I have a feeling that I'm probably not considering some aspects of a DD job at all xD
Sooo... here's the gear I have and think I'll end up using at 75... if you have suggestions on easy replacements, like AH gear or similar, let me know in the comments.
* Main - Thalassocrat - DMG:94, Delay: 492, HP+10, Dex+2, Vit+2, Effect: Impairs Evasion
About 220-300k on AH... not too bad to get I guess? I still need to buy this at some point
* Sub - Pole Grip - Double Attack +2%
I'm told this is the standard grip for 2H DDers?
* Ammo: Tiphia Sting - HP-25, Accuracy+2, Attack+2, Evasion -2
I macro this in for DNC whenever I'm not pulling, so it just made sense to use it on DRG
* Head - Askar Zucchetto
* Body - Askar Korazin
* Hands - Homam Manopolas
* Legs - Homam Cosciales
* Feet - Homam Gambieras
This is my "PLD in campaign" armor set. Mainly the Haste & Accuracy pieces from homam (9% haste & +14 accuracy), plus the Haste/Double attack pieces from Askar (+4% Haste & +2% Double Attack). Oh, and some +str & attack thrown in as well. I guess a patchwork set of armor is the norm?
* Earrings: Brutal Earring (Double Attack & Store TP) & Fowling Earring (Str+1, Accuracy+3)
Currently, I'm using Spike & Minuet. I figure Fowling would be a good replacement for Minuet Earring for cases where there isn't a BRD around, though... I'm wondering if I should still keep the Minuet Earring for when there is a BRD? Brutal Earring just seems to make sense with the double attack enhancements
* Neck: Love Torque (Dex+5, Polearm skill +7)
Got this in the day of epic lootwhoring with TO xD Nice part is that it also has +dagger skill, so it applies to DNC as well. I do not have the sea gorgets for DRG (only have Soil Gorget). I'm wondering if I should full-time the Love Torque, or switch to Chiv chain for WSing?
* Rings: Rajas (+5 Str, Dex, StoreTP) & Blood Rings
Rajas seems like the ultimate DD ring... For the 2nd slot, my standard for any melee job is the Blood Ring. Might consider keeping the Ecphoria Ring on if the +1 Store TP makes a difference somehow.
* Belt: Swift Belt (+3 accuracy, +4 haste, -5 attack) with Warwolf Belt (Str, Dex, Vit+5) macroed in for WS.
Haste for general meleeing, then switching to something that hits harder for WS. On DNC, I macro in my Nu Sash (+10 accuracy) for WS... maybe I should switch to using Warwolf for DNC WSing as well
* Back: Amemet Mantle +1 (Str+2, Attack+15)
Standard melee piece?
and... of course, the nice part is that other than the Thalassocrat, I have everything on the list above already for my other jobs, so DRG really hasn't taken up that much inventory space.
There's also some other situational gear that I didn't list above such as:
* Dragoon's Earring - Chance to use angon without depleting. Enhances wyvern's "breath" accuracy
This is a weird one... I can see how you're supposed to use this with Angon, macro it in before you use the Angon ability, but how would you use it for a wyvern breath? Put it on before you WS to trigger the breath? Put it on right after the WS goes off, but hopefully before the breath goes off? I'm not sure on the timing on how to use this effectively
* Ethereal Earring - Attack +5, HP+15, Converts 3% of damage taken to MP
For /mage use... this should effectively allow DRGs to go on forever when soloing... or so I'm lead to believe?
* Various AF/relic gear
Not that I have any relic yet, but at least the AF gear can be macroed in for Jumps, and for Healing Breath... I really should figure out how to use the Drachen Mail's "Wyvern Regen" effect to keep Lumiere alive better xD
Anyone have other suggestions on stuff to get?
Pretty much just look for the highest str for your WSs and haste (looks like you have this covered) for your TP builds. As far as AF/Relic go... the relic helm is really the only piece I would even consider using now that i have it, and even then, only when /mage. Though the Relic body does add a nice boost to your wyvern and can be removed after calling your wyvern. Other than that, drg is pretty much the easiest DD to equip. I just use full Askar in Dynamis and it's kept me alive a lot more than usual due to HP boost. Quite handy as MA. There are a few upgrades out there, but they're expensive/hard to get. Zahak's mail for example. The rest is from events. Can't think of them atm. Other than that, you pretty much have what you need.
I personally prefer smart grenade over Tiphia Sting b/c I just don't like the - stats. Tiphia probably is the better overall choice, but don't DRG already get two Acc bonus traits?
Your set is pretty much complete, just work on WS gear.
Well, I haven't used /mage since level 30... really should try that sometime. I have the macros setup for the AF helm with spells, but I haven't tested it yet.
Only 3/5 Askar here... is it time to go back to Nyzul yet? Wasn't Spengler interested in that?
Expensive stuff like Zahak's mail is just off the table... though, I can't think of any event items I'm missing here except some crazy things like Valkyrie's Fork
Mmm... the Smart Grenade quest looks simple. I guess I can swing by the past and pick one up.
What other gear should I get for WSing?
If you did sky or want to spend your Einherjar points, I'd say take a look at Hecatomb gear for WS'ing. Other than that, I'm not too sure on what other pieces would be good. Definitely a ruby or flame ring to swap in.
Iono, I would use Homam > Askar if you're considering full Askar for HP purposes. You'd probably get more HP with Askar, but I think Homam is overall more useful with haste, and it has HP as well. Full Homam = 127 HP. I don't know your actual HP, but I'll just take a guess of 1500. 10% boost from Askar and you're looking at 150 HP. Not a whole lot difference, but you lose out on a lot more Haste, and Acc.
Were it me, given what I know you have/is easily obtainable:
- Thallaso/Pole Grip
- Balm Satchet (Hume rse)
- Askar Hat
- Homam everything else
- Love Torque
- Brutal/Fowling
- Rajas/Blood Ring
- Amemet+1/Swiftbelt
- As much hecatomb as you can get (hands/feet/body are all sky drops, and lines in Impact are short/freelot for all of them)
- STR ring for Impulse/Wheeling, keep Blood for Penta/Drakes
- appropriate Gorgets (gotta have em, way way way too strong to not have, when you have MNK friends to kill Yovras)
- Warwolf Belt
I tend to pile up accuracy for TPing even at the expense of good stats (homam body over askar) and then go whole house on WS. The only thing I would really stress is how good the gorgets are - they're basically a must have, especially for multihit WS (and both good DRG WS are)
TP - http://www.ffxiah.com/item_sets.php?id=122853
Penta Thrust - http://www.ffxiah.com/item_sets.php?id=122858
Drakesbane - http://www.ffxiah.com/item_sets.php?id=122856 So many body pieces here, would rate them Aurum Cuirass | Zahak's Mail > Hecatomb Harness > Askar Korazin
To proc healing breath, wear as much HP+ gear you can get plus the AF1 helm.
HB set (What you should wear when HB goes off) - http://www.ffxiah.com/item_sets.php?id=122857
All of this gear is stuff you have or can easily enough get! Have fun~
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