Saturday, December 5, 2009


Alright, so another job is ALMOST done... what next? Well, for starters, I think I need to get some merits and starts unlocking some stuff.

First thing's first... what are the "must-have" meritable things for Dragoon? I usually spend a few merits here and there to get the critical merit job abilities or traits as soon as I hit 75... For example, on BLU I unlocked Diffusion, on SCH it was Stormsurge, on PLD it was Chivalry and Fealty. DNC has the distinction of being the only job where I've gone all out and completed my job specific merits there...

So... what is necessary for DRG? And in what ratios? What are people's opinion on this?
Currently, I'm thinking:
Group IIs:
- Angon - At least 1 to unlock, possibly 3 upgrades total to bring it to a duration of 1 minute. Is this enough? or do people usually go 5/5 on this?
- Empathy - 1 to unlock. I can use Spirit Link multiple times to get other effects on my Wyvern. I'd put in maybe a 2nd upgrade to in theory, get Protect & Shell on Lumiere
- Deep Breathing - This looks like an interesting ability for soloing at least... but I'm not sure what other applications it may have... I barely notice Lumiere's extra breath damage as is... one to unlock?
Group I:
- Jump recast seems to be a no brainer here... more jumps = more damge & TP. I'm thinking this, and high jump merits would be most effective for DRG Tier 1?

So... I'm estimating a bare minimum of 6 merits to start with DRG to unlock Angon and Empathy, with another 9 merits to get Angon up to a reasonable duration... after which there's a ton more merits that need to be done at a more leisurely pace xD The "low priority" merits would take another... 49+ merits if I were to do them all...

As for other merits:
- HP merits - 2 upgrades left (10 merits)
- Sword Skill - 1 upgrade left (3 merits)
- Considering maxing either "Spell Interruption Rate" or "Enemy Critical hit Rate" - (10 merits)
- Attributes? Not sure if i want to do more on this... they are expensive x.x I'm also not sure if I'd want to do Dex or Str merits here.
- Magic skills - Might want to do some Elemental Magic skill increases... not sure if it's worth it for SCH

Blue Mage
Nice part about waiting a little before doing too many merits is that I can determine what my playstyle would be... most BLUs max out Assimilation, which I was on the path towards. Now I'm thinking of:
Group 1
- Chain Affinity Recast - Max this out. More CA = more damage, especially when combined with Enchainment merits (14 merits)
Group 2
- Max Enchainment - 15 merits for a 50 TP Bonus. I tend to simply do Chain Affinity -> Spell whenever possible, not necessarily with a pure self-skillchain. Enchainment would also give the TP bonus even when I did a self-SC since my TP at that time would be 0.
- Reduce Diffusion by another 2 upgrades (9 merits). This would bring Diffusion down to 15 minutes, which would make it usable twice in a Nyzul situation... alternatively, I could just stuff them into Assimilation

Group 1
- Ironically, if I had merits to burn, I'd probably spend them on maxing Grimoire Recast and Helix Magic Accuracy/Attack. I do like switching between modes, and I have sadly, often been in situations where I switched too hastily between modes and had to wait a timer out x.x
- MV merits really aren't worth it unless you're stacking it... and the way I use Sublimation as a cheap, more effective Refresh, I don't benefit much from Max Sublimation
Group 2
- Max out Stormsurge to get the full +7 attribute benefit (19 merits)
- Unlock: Enlightenment - For those annoying times I need to use Erase while in Dark Arts or something similar... I'm not too sure if it needs anything more than that though. This situation does come up, but not THAT often
- Two each into Tranquility and Focalization. I have a general feel when the next AoE Stoneskin will generate too much hate, but I still do it anyway... Tranquaility might help with that... Focalization would help in the few times where I have to nuke something really, really large o.o;

Paladin is the one job that would benefit the most from merits. It also, ironically, has the merits that I can't quite figure out....
Group 1:
- Sentinel recast - Max this out. Sentinel is awesome (15 merits)
- Then... I don't know what to do here. Holy Circle, Cover Length are unnecessary... Shield Bash might be tempting, but there are some mobs you just don't shield bash... sleeping mobs, or mobs that develop a resistance to stun. Not sure about Rampart recast either... I tend to throw Rampart up as an afterthought to sentinel
Group 2:
- With Fealty and Chivalry unlocked already, I'm not sure what else to put here... I tend to use Chivalry as a "last resort" type thing, so if I need to watch the recast on that we're already in trouble. Fealty is something I still haven't mastered the use of, and I think I've only effectively used twice in a tanking situation. Iron Will seems interesting, until you consider how short Rampart lasts, which leaves Guardian for the reduced enmity loss while using Sentinel... that kinda confuses me, since with Sentinel up, you're not taking that much damage and hence, there is less enmity loss in the first place?

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